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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.



1. SONY 索尼 WF-1000XM5 耳機 

  • 耳機內置兩個專利處理器,能比以往消除更多的外來噪音。
  • 配備全新的高性能驅動單元 Dynamic Driver X、雙向回饋麥克風,以及令耳機更穩固貼合的創新隔音耳塞套。
  • 配備基於深度神經網絡 (DNN) 處理的人工智能降噪演算法和骨傳導感應器,即使在嘈雜的環境中,您的聲音亦能清晰而自然地傳達出去。
  • 長達 8 小時的耳機電量,而充電盒可提供額外 16 小時的電量,只需快速充電 3 分鐘,即可播放音樂長達 60 分鐘。

2. DYSON 戴森 HD15 Supersonic™ 風筒 附精美禮盒

  • 全新二合一風嘴,兩種模式,利用康達效應,順髮並隱藏毛躁。
  • 快速乾髮,免受過熱損傷,專為頭髮及頭皮修護設計。
  • 智能熱控,使用Dyson V9數碼摩打。
  • 四種造型配件,包括全新二合一抗毛躁順髮風嘴。

3. FOREO LUNA 3 潔面按摩儀 (混合性皮膚)

  • T-SONIC 垂直聲波脉動技術,每分鐘8,000 次透膚聲波脉動,透過柔軟矽膠觸點,能夠深層潔淨肌膚,有效去除99.5%的污垢和殘留物。
  • 16種動力級別選擇,可以定制適合自己的清潔模式。
  • 連接FOREO APP自動同步您的首選脈動強度和緊緻按摩程序。
  • 一次充電可使用 650次,混合性肌膚適用。

4. PHILIPS 飛利浦 IPL彩光脫毛機 BRI958

  • SenseIQ 智能感應調控科技,自動識別膚色並建議最佳的彩光強度。
  • 可連接 Lumea IPL彩光脫毛器應用程式,提供個人化的療程指導。
  • 4款智能弧形專用配件, 適用於身體、面部、腋下和比堅尼部位。
  • 5段光強度選擇,內置安全感應及閃光就緒顯示燈,出光口需完全接觸皮膚方可發出閃光,有效防止意外漏光 。
  • 無需更換燈泡,可發出多45萬次閃光。

5. KODAK 柯達 STEP Touch 3合1 數碼即影即有相機/1080p攝錄機/相片打印機

  • 3合1 相機結合了即影即有相機、攝錄機和相片打印機的功能。
  • 配備了強大的13MP CMOS傳感器攝影鏡頭,讓您可以捕捉清晰、細節豐富的照片。
  • 配備了一個3.5英寸的LCD觸摸屏顯示屏,您可以通過觸摸屏顯示屏來設定相機功能、編輯相片,甚至使用拼貼模式將多張照片拼接在一起。
  • 使用柯達的ZINK Zero Ink™打印技術,無需墨盒,照片打印件經久耐用、防水、抗撕裂且無污跡。

6. Insta360 X4 全景相機

  • 突破性地支持拍攝 8K 30fps超高解析度全景影片,是 Insta360 消費級相機中史上最高解析度。
  • 5.7K 規格影格率提升至 60fps,帶來更清晰流暢的拍攝體驗,更支持 4K100fps 慢動作拍攝。
  • 360º 全景影片可透過 Insta360 App 中的 AI 剪輯工具,後期自由選取所需角度,隨心構圖。
  • 2290mAh 電池容量,可在 5.7K 30fps 檔位下連續拍攝 135 分鐘。

7. JUJY 灌膚級家用智能暖吸冷收毛孔清潔機

  • 一機兩用,幹吸濕吸同步進行,解決面部油脂堵塞問題,補水保濕清潔一步到位,拒絕黑頭閉口。
  • 熱水導出軟化角質同時,後續更好清潔吸附黑頭,達到深層清潔。
  • 冷水收縮毛孔,冰療緊緻修復鎮靜肌膚,縮小毛孔讓肌膚恢復健康狀態。

8. HUAWEI 華為 Band 8 智能穿戴

  • 8.99mm 輕薄機身設計,錶身重量14g。
  • 具備全方位的健康追蹤功能,包括心率監測、睡眠監測和壓力監測等。
  • 支援100種不同的運動模式,可以滿足使用者的運動需求。
  • 高續航力,可連續使用14天。

9. Stanley 10-10827 30oz 冒險系列真空保溫吸管隨手杯

  • 真空雙層保溫技術,不論是熱飲還是冷飲,能夠有效地保持飲料的溫度,保溫 5小時 / 保冷 9小時 / 保冰 40小時。
  • 18/8 不鏽鋼及優質塑料件製作,不含BPA。
  • FLOWSTATE 杯蓋三方位使用 Splashproof 防濺設計,可用洗碗機清洗,可搭配汽車杯架使用。
  • 配備吸管設計可以避免直接接觸杯口,更衛生方便。

10. Mytrex Dr.Heat Neck 第三代 EMS 熱感頸部按摩儀

  • 獲得世界三大設計獎。
  • 設有頭部和頸部橫向振動運動刷,可以針對頭皮和頸部肌肉僵硬、眼睛過度勞累、頸部和肩部感覺沉重的人提供舒緩按摩。
  • 搭載了MYTREX獨特的NNR Pulse技術,可以減少刺痛感和刺激神經,讓使用者享受舒適的按摩體驗。
  • 具有16段EMS和3段溫感控制,使用者可以根據自己的需求自由調節按摩強度和範圍。


1. 根據你們關係親疏考慮預算

o 交情一般的朋友、同事、晚輩:適合選擇迷你風扇、USB加濕器、隨行杯果汁機以及小型電動刮毛器等禮物。
o 閨蜜姊妹、深交好友:可以考慮藍牙耳機、美容儀、智慧體重計、無線充電板等高品質禮物。
o 重視的師長、長輩、上司:建議選擇符合身份和品味的高價電器禮品,如空氣淨化器、智慧家居設備、電動按摩椅等。
2. 兼顧實用性與適用性
3. 須注意特定類型電器的選擇 
o 美容電器:選擇適合各種膚質的產品,例如潔面儀、按摩器等。
o 香氛電器:確定對方喜好且無過敏問題後再挑選,例如香氛機、擴香儀等。



【Fail-proof Gift Ideas】
Top 10 Birthday Gifts for Female Friends

Selecting a birthday gift for a female friend can be a challenging and important task. This article presents a ranked list of 10 popular electronic gifts to help you find a special gift.

1. SONY WF-1000XM5 Headphone 

  • These earphones feature two built-in patented processors that can eliminate more external noise than ever before. 
  • They are equipped with the new high-performance driver unit Dynamic Driver X, dual feedback microphones, and innovative noise-isolating earbud tips for a secure and snug fit.
  • With AI noise-canceling algorithms based on deep neural networks (DNN) processing and bone conduction sensors, your voice can be transmitted clearly and naturally even in noisy environments.
  • The earphones have a battery life of up to 8 hours, and the charging case provides an additional 16 hours of battery life. With just a quick 3-minute charge, you can enjoy up to 60 minutes of music playback.

2. DYSONHD15 Supersonic™ hair dryer with Presentation case

  • Featuring a new 2-in-1 nozzle with two modes, this hair dryer utilizes the Coanda effect to smooth and tame frizz.
  • It dries hair quickly without causing overheating damage and is designed for hair and scalp repair. 
  • With intelligent heat control using the Dyson V9 digital motor, it offers precise and controlled airflow.
  • The hair dryer comes with four styling attachments, including the new 2-in-1 anti-frizz smoothing nozzle.

3. Foreo LUNA 3 Facial Cleansing Massager (Combination Skin)

  • With T-SONIC vertical sonic pulsation technology, this device generates 8,000 pulsations per minute to deeply cleanse the skin and effectively remove 99.5% of dirt and residue using soft silicone touchpoints.
  • It offers 16 power levels for customizable cleaning modes.
  • It can be connected to the FOREO app to synchronize your preferred pulsation intensity and firming massage routines.
  • With a single charge, it can be used up to 650 times and is suitable for combination skin.

4. PHILIPS Lumea IPL 9000 Hair Removal BRI958

  • Featuring SenseIQ intelligent sensing and control technology, this device automatically identifies your skin tone and suggests the optimal light intensity for IPL treatment.
  • It can be connected to the Lumea IPL Hair Removal app to provide personalized treatment guidance.
  • The device comes with four intelligent curved attachments for use on the body, face, underarms, and bikini area.
  • It offers 5 light intensity settings and has built-in safety sensors and a ready-to-flash indicator light, ensuring the flash is emitted only when the device is in full contact with the skin, preventing accidental light leakage.
  • With no need for bulb replacement, it can emit over 450,000 flashes.

5. KODAK STEP Touch 3-In-1 Digital Instant Camera/1080p Camcorder/Photo Printer

  • This 3-in-1 camera combines the functions of an instant camera, camcorder, and photo printer.
  • It features a powerful 13MP CMOS sensor camera lens that allows you to capture clear and detailed photos.
  • With a 3.5-inch LCD touchscreen display, you can easily navigate camera functions, edit photos, and even use collage mode to combine multiple photos together.
  • It uses KODAK's ZINK Zero Ink™ printing technology, eliminating the need for ink cartridges. The printed photos are durable, waterproof, tear-resistant, and smudge-free. 

6. Insta360 X4 Action Camera

  • Breakthrough support for shooting 8K 30fps ultra-high-resolution panoramic videos, making it the highest resolution in Insta360's consumer-grade cameras.
  • The 5.7K specification now has an increased frame rate of 60fps, delivering a clearer and smoother shooting experience. It also supports 4K 100fps slow-motion shooting.
  • 360º panoramic videos can be edited using AI editing tools in the Insta360 App, allowing you to freely select the desired angles during post-production for personalized composition.
  • With a battery capacity of 2290mAh, it can continuously shoot for 135 minutes at 5.7K 30fps settings.

7. JUJY Smart Warm-Cold-Absorbing Pore Cleaning Machine

  • Dual-function machine that performs dry and wet suction simultaneously, solving facial oil clogging issues and achieving moisturizing, hydrating, and cleansing in one step, saying goodbye to blackheads and closed pores.
  • Softens keratin while extracting heat to facilitate better cleansing and blackhead suction, achieving deep cleansing.
  • Cold water contracts the pores, providing ice therapy for firming, soothing, and repairing the skin, resulting in smaller pores and restoring skin to a healthy state.

8. HUAWEI Band 8 Smart Wearable

  • Ultra-thin design with a thickness of 8.99mm and a weight of 14g.
  • Equipped with comprehensive health tracking functions, including heart rate monitoring, sleep monitoring, and stress monitoring, among others.
  • Supports 100 different sports modes to meet users' exercise needs.
  • Long battery life, with up to 14 days of continuous usage.


  • Vacuum double-wall insulation technology that effectively maintains the temperature of both hot and cold beverages, keeping drinks hot for 5 hours, cold for 9 hours, and ice for 40 hours.
  • Made with 18/8 stainless steel and high-quality plastic components, BPA-free.
  • The FLOWSTATE lid features a three-way Splashproof design, dishwasher-safe, and can be used with car cup holders.
  • Equipped with a straw design to avoid direct contact with the cup's rim, making it more hygienic and convenient.

10. Mytrex Dr.Heat Neck 3rd Generation EMS Thermal Neck Massager

  • Winner of three major design awards worldwide.
  • Features a horizontal vibration motion brush for the head and neck, providing soothing massage for individuals with stiff scalp and neck muscles, excessive eye strain, and a heavy feeling in the neck and shoulders.
  • Equipped with Mytrex's unique NNR Pulse technology, reducing pain and nerve stimulation, allowing users to enjoy a comfortable massage experience.
  • Offers 16 levels of EMS and 3 levels of temperature control, allowing users to freely adjust the massage intensity and range according to their needs.

Birthday Gift Buying Guide for Female Friends

1. Consider your relationship and budget
Take into account the different budget ranges corresponding to your relationship, and consider the following suggestions:

o Casual friends, colleagues, juniors: Suitable gifts include mini fans, USB humidifiers, portable juice blenders, and small electric razors.
o Best friends, close friends: Consider high-quality gifts such as Bluetooth headphones, beauty devices, smart weighing scales, and wireless charging pads.
o Respected teachers, elders, bosses: It is recommended to choose high-value electrical gifts that match their status and taste, such as air purifiers, smart home devices, and electric massage chairs.
2. Balance practicality and suitability
Choosing electrical gifts that are both practical and suitable is important. It is recommended to understand the recipient's interests and preferences through daily interactions and social media. For example, gift a beauty device to a friend who enjoys skincare or a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse for friends who work or study.
3. Consider specific types of electrical gifts 
o Beauty devices: Choose products suitable for various skin types, such as facial cleansing brushes, massagers, etc.
o Aroma devices: Make sure to confirm the recipient's preferences and any allergies before selecting, such as aroma diffusers, fragrance machines, etc.

Regardless of the relationship, choosing a birthday gift can enhance your bond and provide an opportunity to convey your sincere wishes to your female friends. We hope this article can help you find the perfect gift.
