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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

【2025 日本紅葉攻略】





1. 北海道七飯町 — 大沼國定公園
o 賞楓時間:10月
o 特色:湖泊與紅葉交相輝映,可乘船或走橋欣賞美景。
o 交通指引:從函館站乘火車或巴士前往。
2. 青森 — 蔦沼
o 賞楓時間:10月中旬至11月上旬
o 特色:日出紅葉景象壯觀,推薦入住蔦温泉旅館享受溫泉和傳統日式料理。
o 交通指引:搭新幹線再轉巴士或酒店接駁車。
3. 關東 — 箱根美術館
o 賞楓時間:11月中旬至12月上旬
o 特色:庭園中的紅葉與古色古香的造景相映成趣,並可品茶享受。
o 交通指引:乘日本鐵路到箱根美術館站,附設免費停車場。
4. 東京 — 明治神宮外苑銀杏並木
o 賞楓時間:11月中旬至12月上旬
o 特色:銀杏大道的金黃色美景,與楓葉景色媲美。
o 交通指引:搭乘鐵路到信濃町站或地鐵到青山一丁目站步行即到。
5. 岐阜 — 白川鄉合掌村
o 賞楓時間:11月上旬至中旬
o 特色:古老的合掌造建築與山中紅葉相得益彰,吸引眾多遊客。
o 交通指引:由名古屋、高山或金澤站搭巴士前往。
6. 京都 — 清水寺
o 賞楓時間:11月下旬至12月上旬
o 特色:夜間點燈活動將寺院與紅葉相互輝映,觀景壯麗。
o 交通指引:從京都站搭巴士前往,參拜時間至晚上。
7. 大阪 — 大阪城公園
o 賞楓時間:11月下旬至12月上旬
o 特色:天守閣與百年楓樹構成經典的秋日風景。
o 交通指引:搭乘JR或市內鐵路直達。
8. 神戶 — 六甲有馬空中纜車與有馬溫泉
o 賞楓時間:11月上旬至下旬
o 特色:空中纜車上的賞楓體驗獨特,並可在溫泉區放鬆身心。
o 交通指引:搭乘JR至大阪城公園站,轉纜車上山。

1. SONY 索尼 ZV-1 輕便相機

  • 配備24-70mm F1.8-2.8鏡頭,有效像素達到20百萬,搭載1英寸感光元件。
  • 配備3吋921,600點的多角度觸控LCD螢幕,方便用戶在自拍或錄影時調整角度。
  • 擁有315個自動對焦點,能夠快速且準確地對焦於拍攝主題,內建STEADYSHOT影像穩定系統。
  • 支援4K錄影,配備三指向性定向麥克風,機身重量僅267克,支援Wi-Fi和藍牙功能。

2. Insta360 X4 全景相機

  • 支援 8K 超高解析度全景影片拍攝,及支援 5.7K 60fps 拍攝,並可錄製 4K 100fps 慢動作影片。
  • 可在拍攝 360° 全景影片後,透過 Insta360 App 中的 AI 剪輯工具自由選取所需角度,輕鬆構圖創作。
  • 可在拍攝時完全隱藏自拍棒,拍出令人驚奇的低空跟拍和第三人稱視角。
  • 搭載業界領先的 FlowState 防震技術,360° 水平校正。
  • 防水等級高達 IPX8 級,2290mAh 超大電池,在 5.7K 30fps 模式下可連續拍攝 135 分鐘。

3. FUJIFILM 富士 instax mini Evo 即影即有相機

  • 配備高品質的雙鏡頭系統,及3.0英寸TFT彩色LCD,能夠拍攝清晰且細緻的照片。
  • 提供多種拍攝模式,包括自動模式、自拍模式和多重曝光等,滿足不同場景的需求,讓用戶可以自由創作。
  • 內建多種創意濾鏡和邊框選擇,使用者可以在拍攝或打印時添加個性化的效果,增強照片的趣味性。
  • 支持藍牙連接,使用者可以通過專用的手機應用程式輕鬆編輯和打印手機中的照片。

4. Insta360 Flow 手持雲台

  • AI 主體追蹤,搭載 Apple DockKit 追蹤技術,能夠在 iPhone 原生相機和 iOS App 中實現人物追蹤,無論是錄影、視訊通話還是直播,都能保持主角在畫面中。
  • 具備三軸增穩技術,支援360度的水平追蹤。
  • 內建自拍杆,最長可伸展至22厘米,並且具備三腳架功能。
  • 內建AI剪輯功能,能自動生成精彩片段,支援NFC輕觸配對,方便用戶快速連接手機。

5. Redmi 紅米 Watch 4 智能手錶

  • 1.97 吋超大 AMOLED 螢幕,顯示面積增加 26%,搭配 60Hz 高螢幕更新頻率。
  • 全方位健康監測,包括心率監測、血氧監測、睡眠監測和壓力監測等功能。
  • 150 多種運動模式,支援多種室內外運動模式,並提供專業教練的動作指引。
  • 手錶擁有 5ATM 防水等級,適用於 18 種水上運動。
  • 搭載大容量電池和優化的節能晶片,一般使用模式下可提供長達 20 天的超長電池續航力。



【2025 Japan Red Leaves Guide】
8 Recommended Maple Viewing Spots in Japan

With the arrival of autumn, temperatures gradually cool down, and leaves begin to change color, making it the perfect time for leaf-peeping. While maple leaves in places like Canada, Germany, and Taiwan each have their own unique characteristics, Japanese maple leaves are renowned for their delicate elegance. With Hong Kong easing travel restrictions and Japan's visa-free policy, now is the ideal time to visit Japan for leaf-peeping. This article will introduce 8 popular maple leaf viewing spots in Japan.

Varieties of Japanese Maple Leaves and Viewing Times

In Japan, there are many common varieties of maple leaves, including chicken claw maple, mountain maple, large leaf maple, and colored maple. Additionally, there are tree species like Japanese maple, sugar maple, gingko, and larch. The maple leaf season in Japan runs from September to December, gradually moving from north to south. It is recommended to check the Japan Meteorological Agency's forecast website to find the best time for leaf-peeping.

8 Popular Maple Leaf Viewing Spots in Japan

1. Hokkaido, Shichinohe Town - Lake Onuma National Park
o Viewing Time: October
o Features: Scenic views of lakes and maple leaves complement each other, with the option to enjoy the beauty by boat or on foot.
o Directions: Take a train or bus from Hakodate Station.
2. Aomori - Tsutanuma
o Viewing Time: Mid-October to early November
o Features: Spectacular sunrise maple leaf views, recommended to stay at Tsuta Onsen Ryokan for hot springs and traditional Japanese cuisine.
o Directions: Take the Shinkansen and then transfer to a bus or hotel shuttle.
3. Kanto - Hakone Open-Air Museum
o Viewing Time: Mid-November to early December
o Features: Maple leaves in the garden complement the quaint and traditional landscape, with tea tasting available.
o Directions: Take the Japanese railways to Hakone Open-Air Museum Station, which has a free parking lot.
4. Tokyo - Meiji Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Avenue
o Viewing Time: Mid-November to early December
o Features: The golden hues of the ginkgo avenue rival the beauty of the maple leaves.
o Directions: Take a train to Shinanomachi Station or subway to Aoyama-itchome Station and walk.
5. Gifu - Shirakawa-go Gassho Village
o Viewing Time: Early to mid-November
o Features: The ancient thatched-roof buildings complement the mountainous maple leaves, attracting many visitors.
o Directions: Take a bus from Nagoya, Takayama, or Kanazawa Station.
6. Kyoto - Kiyomizu-dera Temple
o Viewing Time: Late November to early December
o Features: Nighttime illuminations create a magnificent view of the temple and maple leaves.
o Directions: Take a bus from Kyoto Station; temple visit extends into the evening.
7. Osaka - Osaka Castle Park
o Viewing Time: Late November to early December
o Features: The castle keep and century-old maple trees create a classic autumn scene.
o Directions: Accessible via JR or city railways.
8. Kobe - Rokko Arima Ropeway and Arima Onsen
o Viewing Time: Early to late November
o Features: Unique maple leaf viewing experience from the ropeway and relaxation in the hot spring area.
o Directions: Take JR to Osaka Castle Park Station, then transfer to the ropeway up the mountain.

2. Insta360 X4 Action Camera  

  • Supports 8K ultra-high-resolution 360 video recording, as well as 5.7K 60fps capture, and can record 4K 100fps slow-motion videos.
  • After capturing 360° footage, you can freely select the desired angle through the Insta360 App's AI editing tools to easily compose your shots.
  • Can completely hide the selfie stick during recording, capturing surprising low-angle and third-person perspectives.
  • Features the industry-leading FlowState stabilization technology with 360° horizon leveling.
  • Waterproof up to IPX8 rating, with a large 2290mAh battery that can record continuously for 135 minutes in 5.7K 30fps mode.

3. FUJIFILM instax mini Evo Instant Camera  

  • Equipped with a high-quality dual lens system and a 3.0-inch TFT color LCD, it can capture clear and detailed photos.
  • It offers multiple shooting modes, including automatic mode, selfie mode, and multiple exposure, to meet the needs of different scenes, allowing users to create freely.
  • Built-in various creative filters and frame options enable users to add personalized effects during shooting or printing, enhancing the fun of the photos.
  • Supports Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to easily edit and print photos from their smartphones through a dedicated mobile app.

4. Insta360 Flow Stabilizer  

  • AI subject tracking with Apple DockKit tracking technology, enabling person tracking in the iPhone native camera and iOS App for video recording, video calls, or live streaming, ensuring the main character stays in focus.
  • Features three-axis stabilization technology, supporting 360-degree horizontal tracking. 
  • Built-in selfie stick that extends up to 22 centimeters and functions as a tripod.
  • Includes AI editing capabilities for automatically generating exciting clips, supports NFC touch pairing for quick phone connections.

5. Redmi Watch 4 Smart Watch  

  • 1.97-inch large AMOLED display with a 26% increase in display area, featuring a 60Hz high refresh rate.
  • Comprehensive health monitoring, including heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen monitoring, sleep monitoring, and stress monitoring.
  • Over 150 sports modes with support for indoor and outdoor activities, along with professional coaching guidance.
  • 5ATM water-resistant rating suitable for 18 water sports.
  • Equipped with a large capacity battery and optimized power-saving chip, providing up to 20 days of battery life in normal usage mode.

Japanese maple leaves are renowned for their delicate elegance, with unique maple leaf experiences awaiting you at various locations. It is recommended that everyone check weather and transportation information in advance, carefully plan their maple viewing journey, and personally experience the beauty of Japanese autumn maple leaves.
