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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.




1. NAGUALEP 乾燥式Echo 廚房食物垃圾處理器

  • 可以將餐廚垃圾乾燥、研磨、殺菌和除臭。
  • 內置電熱126度高溫、殺滅99.9%的細菌。
  • 內置除臭,活性炭過濾裝置及通風散熱系統,消除異味。羊、雞、鴨、鵝、豬的骨頭都可以磨碎。
  • 具有3.5升的大容量桶。
  • 它工作時像雪櫃一樣安靜,只有 35 分貝。
  • 具備內筒自動清洗功能,一鍵清洗。

2. Reencle Prime RC300 廚餘機

  • 能夠處理廚餘的多種類型,包括食物殘渣、果皮、蔬菜、骨頭等。
  • 配備高效的研磨系統,能夠將廚餘迅速研磨成細小的顆粒,減少垃圾體積。
  • 採用低噪音設計,及有過載保護和反向保護功能,確保使用過程中的安全性。
  • 操作簡單,只需將廚餘放入機器中,按下開關即可開始處理廚餘。

3. NAGUALEP 家用三合一廚餘機 2.0

  • 機身尺寸相比其他廚餘機更加細小輕巧。
  • 搭載直流24V安全電機,具有高動力輸出和低噪音處理多種不同廚餘的能力。
  • 操作時的噪音只有 44 分貝。
  • 產品配備了126度高溫殺菌烘乾處理技術,能夠輕鬆縮減95%廚餘重量。
  • 內置去菌除臭活性碳濾芯,能夠將廚餘變為無臭乾燥土屑,作為植物肥料的原材料。

4. Reencle 生物降解式RC02 廚餘機

  • 採用生物降解方式處理廚餘,將廚餘轉化為肥料或堆肥。
  • 超大容量,每日可處理1.5公斤的廚餘。
  • 具有低耗能功率,每天僅需消耗1.2度電。
  • 配備加速乾燥功能,能夠快速蒸發廚餘中的水分,減少處理時間。
  • 設有三層活性碳防臭過濾網,有效降低廚餘產生的異味。
  • 運行時的噪音低於35分貝。

1. NAGUALEP Drying Type Echo Kitchen Food Waste Disposer

  • It can dry, grind, sterilize, and deodorize kitchen waste.
  • It features a built-in electric heater that reaches a high temperature of 126 degrees Celsius, effectively killing 99.9% of bacteria.
  • It also has a built-in deodorizing system with activated carbon filters and a ventilation cooling system to eliminate odors.  It can grind bones from sheep, chicken, duck, goose, and pig. 
  • The disposer has a large capacity bin of 3.5 liters.
  • It operates quietly, similar to a refrigerator, with only 35 decibels of noise.
  • It also has an automatic cleaning function for easy maintenance.

2. Reencle Prime RC300 Food Waste Decomposer

  • The Reencle Prime RC300 is a food waste disposer that can handle various types of kitchen waste, including food scraps, peels, vegetables, and bones. 
  • It is equipped with an efficient grinding system that quickly reduces kitchen waste into small particles, reducing its volume.
  • The disposer features a low-noise design and has overload protection and reverse protection functions for safety during operation.
  • It is easy to operate, simply by putting the kitchen waste into the machine and pressing the switch to start the disposal process.

3. NAGUALEP Household 3-in-1 Food Waste Disposer 2.0

  • It has a compact and lightweight design compared to other food waste disposers.
  • It is equipped with a 24V DC safe motor, providing high power output and low noise while processing various types of kitchen waste.
  • The noise level during operation is only 44 decibels.
  • The product features a 126-degree high-temperature sterilization and drying technology, which can easily reduce kitchen waste weight by 95%. 
  • It also has a built-in antibacterial and deodorizing activated carbon filter, transforming the waste into odorless and dry crumbs that can be used as raw materials for plant fertilizers.

4. Reencle Bio-Degradable RC02 Food Waste Decomposer

  • It uses a biodegradable method to process kitchen waste, converting it into fertilizer or compost.
  • It has a large capacity and can process 1.5 kilograms of kitchen waste daily.
  • It has low energy consumption, consuming only 1.2 kilowatt-hours of electricity per day.
  • The disposer is equipped with an accelerated drying function, which quickly evaporates the moisture in the waste, reducing processing time.
  • It also features a three-layer activated carbon deodorizing filter, effectively reducing the production of odors from the waste.
  • The noise level during operation is below 35 decibels.




生物分解型 粉碎型(鐵胃) 乾燥式 冷凍型
體積 較大 較小,安裝於廚房鋅盤之下 較小 較小
噪音 無噪音 一般 較大 無噪音
處理能力 小骨,不能分解較大骨頭、貝殼 小骨,高階型號可粉碎大骨及植物纖維 碎骨頭或海鮮蚌殼 任何廚餘
需時 較長 較短 較長 較長
把廚餘轉化為 有機肥料 有機肥料 小顆粒 無法分解廚餘,只能減慢廚餘腐化及抑制細菌滋生


1. 處理能力
2. 噪音水平
3. 體積和安裝空間 
4. 耗電量
5. 安裝服務
6. 品牌和質量
7. 價格



Types of Food Waste Disposers

There are different types of household kitchen waste disposers available on the market, primarily categorized into the following four types.


Biodegradable Type Grinding Type (Iron Stomach) Dry Type Freezing Type
Size Larger Smaller, installed under the kitchen sink Smaller Smaller
Power Low Low High High
Noise No noise Moderate Higher No noise
Processing Capacity Can handle small bones but not larger bones or shells Can handle small bones, higher-end models can grind larger bones and plant fibers Grinds bones or seafood shells Can handle any kitchen waste
Processing Time Longer Shorter Longer Longer
Waste Conversion Converts waste into organic fertilizer Converts waste into organic fertilizer Produces small particles, unable to decompose kitchen waste, only slows down decay and inhibits bacterial growth Unable to decompose kitchen waste, only slows down decay and inhibits bacterial growth

Food Waste Disposer Buying Guide

1. Processing Capacity
Choose a model that suits your kitchen waste type and requirements. Higher-end models can handle larger bones, hard food residues, and plant fibers, while basic models may only handle smaller and softer kitchen waste.
2. Noise Level
Select a kitchen waste disposer with a quiet operation to minimize noise disturbance during its operation.
3. Size and Installation Space
Ensure that you have sufficient space in your kitchen to accommodate the chosen model of kitchen waste disposer.
4. Power Consumption
Consider the energy efficiency of each model to avoid unnecessary electricity costs.
5. Installation Service
Confirm whether the price includes professional installation services, especially for grinding-type disposers. Some models require professional installation and debugging, so make sure you can receive the necessary installation support.
6. Brand and Quality
Choose a well-known brand for the kitchen waste disposer to ensure quality and after-sales service. Read consumer reviews and ratings to learn about other users' opinions on the brand and model.
7. Price
Kitchen waste disposers come in a wide price range. Choose a model that fits your budget, considering the features, quality, and durability. Note that prices may vary based on functionality, quality, and durability.

We hope this article helps you choose the most suitable household kitchen waste disposer, reducing waste and contributing to environmental protection!
