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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

【2024 香港聖誕好去處】


1. AIA友邦嘉年華
• 日期:2024年12月18日至2025年2月16日
• 地點:中環海濱
• 活動內容:友邦嘉年華將再次登陸中環海濱,這次的活動設有超過20款不同類型的機動遊戲、30個攤位遊戲以及40個互動裝置,適合家庭參與的精彩表演也將持續上演。
• 亮點:
o 巨型摩天輪:高達9米的摩天輪成為全場最受歡迎的打卡熱點之一。
o 攤位遊戲:充滿趣味的攤位遊戲包括套圈圈、射擊遊戲等,挑戰運氣與技巧,贏取各式小獎品。
o 夜間燈光秀:每日晚上會有精美燈光秀,配合歡快的音樂,增添節日氣氛。
• 適合人群:家庭、情侶、朋友 • 交通建議:步行至中環港鐵站,沿著海濱走道前往即可。
2. 香港迪士尼樂園 — A Disney Christmas
• 日期:2024年11月15日至2025年1月1日
• 亮點:
o 全球首個《魔雪奇緣》主題園區:今年聖誕節,迪士尼樂園推出以《魔雪奇緣》為主題的特別活動,包括在主題區內的飄雪體驗,讓遊客置身雪白的夢幻世界。
o 聖誕燈飾和拍照裝置:園內布置了多個聖誕打卡點,遊客可拍攝聖誕主題照片,分享節日喜悅。
o 迪士尼角色聖誕打扮:米奇、米妮等經典迪士尼角色將換上聖誕服裝與遊客合影。
o 節日美食:園內餐廳將推出特別聖誕餐點和甜品,從限定口味的聖誕糕點到溫暖的熱可可,讓大家盡享美食。 • 適合人群:家庭、朋友、迪士尼迷
3. 中環大館《小心意 • 大衆樂2024》
• 日期:2024年12月1日至2025年1月1日
• 地點:中環大館
• 亮點:
o 12米高聖誕樹:戶外聖誕樹點亮整個場地,為遊客營造溫馨的聖誕氛圍。
o 多國馬戲表演:當代馬戲節目由來自12個不同國家的演員呈現,包括空中飛人、特技表演等。
o 互動燈光裝置:多個燈光裝置與觀眾互動,適合拍照和錄影。
o 聖誕市集:以手工藝品、聖誕裝飾為主,遊客可選購禮品和聖誕紀念品。
• 適合人群:喜愛藝術表演的觀眾、情侶、家庭
4. 南豐紗廠聖誕市集
• 日期:2024年12月23日開幕
• 地點:荃灣南豐紗廠
• 亮點:
o 手作市集:「主子陪你過聖誕週末市集」為寵物和寵物主人設計的特別攤位,還有適合人類的「癲噹聖誕派對」。
o 本地品牌:超過150個本地品牌參加,販售手工製品、創意小物、特色聖誕禮物等。
o 現場表演:獨立音樂人、街頭藝人會輪番上場,增添節日氣氛。
o 特色美食:包括小吃攤位和節日限定甜點,是一家大小消遣的理想之地。
• 適合人群:家庭、朋友、情侶
5. AIRSIDE聖誕市集 - X’mas Woof Woof Market
• 日期:2024年12月23日至2025年1月1日
• 地點:啟德AIRSIDE
• 亮點:
o 寵物友善市集:專為寵物主人設計的攤位和活動,包括寵物專屬用品、美食攤位等。
o 聖誕裝飾:場地布置了溫馨的聖誕燈飾,讓寵物和主人都能享受愉快的時光。
o 聖誕主題商品:許多小攤位會售賣聖誕節專屬產品,適合帶寵物的家庭參加。
• 適合人群:寵物愛好者、家庭、朋友
6. JW萬豪酒店聖誕自助餐
• 地點:香港JW萬豪酒店
• 亮點:
o 奢華自助餐:聖誕自助餐提供海鮮、燒烤、亞洲和西式佳餚,滿足賓客的味蕾。
o 聖誕主題甜品:酒店準備了節日限定的甜品,如薑餅屋、聖誕布丁等。
o 節日雞尾酒:酒店調酒師精心設計的聖誕特調雞尾酒,讓賓客在美酒中感受聖誕氣息。
• 適合人群:美食愛好者、情侶、家庭
7. 香港各區聖誕燈飾打卡點
• 地點:尖沙咀、銅鑼灣、中環等
• 亮點:
o 尖沙咀海濱長廊:每年佈滿璀璨燈飾,是拍攝聖誕夜景的絕佳地點。
o 銅鑼灣商圈:時代廣場和其他大型商場的聖誕燈飾,成為市民和遊客的熱門打卡點。
o 中環石板街:聖誕節期間的燈光佈置營造出溫馨、浪漫的氛圍,是約會的好去處。
• 適合人群:情侶、朋友、拍照愛好者
8. 特色聖誕市集
• 推薦地點:赤柱美利樓、愉景灣、旺角T.O.P等
• 亮點:
o 赤柱美利樓聖誕市集:擁有獨特的歷史背景,市集上有手工藝品、聖誕裝飾及特色美食,還有聖誕老人出現。
o 愉景灣聖誕市集:提供手工藝品和創意聖誕禮品,並設有現場表演和音樂會。
o 旺角T.O.P聖誕市集:都市中的市集氛圍,吸引了年輕人和市區居民,商品多樣,適合挑選創意聖誕禮物。
• 適合人群:朋友、家庭、手工藝愛好者

1. DJI 大疆 POCKET 2

  • 機身小巧輕便,重量僅約 300 克,方便攜帶。
  • 配備 1/1.7 吋的感光元件,支持 4K 60fps 的視頻錄製,並具備 64 百萬像素的照片拍攝能力。
  • 內建三軸雲台穩定器,支援多種拍攝模式,備 ActiveTrack 功能,配備四個麥克風。

2. Insta360 Go 3S 運動相機

  • 採用全新升級的晶片,CPU 算力提升 50%,並配備全新的廣角鏡頭模組,支持 4K 超清解析度拍攝,畫面更加銳利細緻。
  • 採用磁吸設計,可輕鬆固定在各種地方,如衣服、帽子、寵物等,讓你輕鬆捕捉各種角度的精彩瞬間。
  • 內置 FlowState 防震技術, 配備可翻轉 2.2 吋觸控螢幕的 Action Pod 拓展艙。
  • 單機續航時間可達 38 分鐘,搭配 Action Pod 後續航時間最長可達 140 分鐘。

3. FUJIFILM 富士 instax mini Evo 即影即有相機

  • 配備高品質的雙鏡頭系統,及3.0英寸TFT彩色LCD,能夠拍攝清晰且細緻的照片。
  • 提供多種拍攝模式,包括自動模式、自拍模式和多重曝光等,滿足不同場景的需求,讓用戶可以自由創作。
  • 內建多種創意濾鏡和邊框選擇,使用者可以在拍攝或打印時添加個性化的效果,增強照片的趣味性。
  • 支持藍牙連接,使用者可以通過專用的手機應用程式輕鬆編輯和打印手機中的照片。

4. KODAK 柯達 MiniShot2 Retro復古無線即影有相機及相片打印機

  • 柯達專利的4PASS熱昇華打印技術,展現1600萬色,顏色鮮豔,特殊保護塗層令其防水防指紋,相片打印需時約一分鐘。
  • 提供多種拍攝模式,包括自動模式和自拍模式,滿足不同場景的需求,讓用戶可以自由創作。
  • 1.7” LCD取景器可選擇白邊及五種瀘鏡。
  • 支持藍牙無線連接,使用者可以輕鬆將手機中的照片傳輸到相機進行打印,實現數位與即影即有的完美結合。

5. NINM Lab I'M Fine 一次性相機標準版本 AURA

  • 外觀設計靈感來自於能量流動,設計輕巧,方便攜帶,適合旅行、派對和日常生活中的拍攝需求。
  • 一次性使用,操作簡單,適合各類型的使用者,無需專業攝影知識即可輕鬆拍攝。
  • 相機配備內置閃光燈,能夠在低光環境下拍攝,提升拍攝的靈活性。
  • 使用 Kodak 400 彩色負片,能夠捕捉鮮豔的色彩和細緻的細節,適合各種拍攝場景。



【2024 Christmas Spots in HK】
Must-visit Christmas Markets and Family Carnivals

As Christmas approaches, Hong Kong is filled with a strong festive atmosphere, with shopping malls, attractions, and outdoor activities dressed up for this joyous season. Whether with family, a partner, or friends, the selected Christmas destinations in this article will help you have a memorable and enjoyable Christmas in Hong Kong.

1. AIA Carnival
• Dates: December 18, 2024, to February 16, 2025
• Location: Central Harbourfront
• Activities: The AIA Carnival returns to Central Harbourfront with over 20 different amusement rides, 30 game booths, and 40 interactive installations. Exciting performances suitable for families will also be ongoing.
• Highlights:
• Giant Ferris Wheel: A 9-meter-tall Ferris wheel becomes one of the most popular photo spots.
• Game Booths: Fun booths include ring tossing, shooting games, etc., challenging luck and skills to win various prizes.
• Night Light Show: A nightly light show with lively music adds to the festive ambiance.
• Suitable for: Families, couples, friends
• Transportation: Walk to Central MTR Station and head to the waterfront promenade.
2. Hong Kong Disneyland - A Disney Christmas
• Dates: November 15, 2024, to January 1, 2025
• Highlights:
• First "Frozen" Themed Area: This Christmas, Hong Kong Disneyland presents special activities themed around "Frozen," including a snow experience inside the themed area.
• Christmas Decorations and Photo Spots: Multiple Christmas photo spots are set up where visitors can capture festive moments.
• Disney Characters in Christmas Attire: Classic Disney characters like Mickey and Minnie will be dressed in Christmas outfits for photo opportunities.
• Festive Food: Special Christmas meals and desserts will be available, from limited edition Christmas treats to warm hot cocoa.
• Suitable for: Families, friends, Disney enthusiasts
3. Tai Kwun - "Tis the Season • Public Joy 2024"
• Dates: December 1, 2024, to January 1, 2025
• Location: Tai Kwun
• Highlights:
• 12-Meter Christmas Tree: An outdoor Christmas tree lights up the venue, creating a cozy Christmas atmosphere.
• International Circus Performances: Contemporary circus acts by performers from 12 different countries, including aerial acrobatics and stunts.
• Interactive Light Installations: Various light installations interact with the audience, perfect for photos and videos.
• Christmas Market: Featuring handicrafts and Christmas decorations, visitors can purchase gifts and souvenirs.
• Suitable for: Art performance enthusiasts, couples, families
4. South Horizons Christmas Market
• Opening Date: December 23, 2024
• Location: South Horizons, Tsuen Wan
• Highlights:
• Handmade Market: Special booths designed for pets and their owners, along with the "DorDor Christmas Party" for humans.
• Local Brands: Over 150 local brands selling handmade products, creative items, unique Christmas gifts, etc.
• Live Performances: Independent musicians and street performers will take turns to enhance the festive atmosphere.
• Specialty Food: Including snack stalls and limited edition holiday desserts, an ideal place for family fun.
• Suitable for: Families, friends, couples
5. AIRSIDE Christmas Market - X’mas Woof Woof Market
• Dates: December 23, 2024, to January 1, 2025
• Location: Kai Tak AIRSIDE
• Highlights:
• Pet-friendly Market: Booths and activities designed specifically for pet owners, including pet supplies and food stalls.
• Christmas Decorations: Warm Christmas lights adorn the venue for pets and owners to enjoy a pleasant time.
• Christmas-themed Goods: Many stalls selling exclusive Christmas products, suitable for families with pets.
• Suitable for: Pet lovers, families, friends
6. JW Marriott Hotel Christmas Buffet
• Location: JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong
• Highlights:
• Luxury Buffet: The Christmas buffet offers seafood, barbecue, Asian and Western delicacies to satisfy guests' taste buds.
• Christmas-themed Desserts: The hotel prepares holiday-exclusive desserts like gingerbread house and Christmas pudding.
• Festive Cocktails: Christmas-themed cocktails carefully crafted by the hotel's mixologists, allowing guests to savor the Christmas spirit in every sip.
• Suitable for: Food enthusiasts, couples, families
7. Christmas Light Displays in Various Districts of Hong Kong
• Locations: Tsim Sha Tsui, Causeway Bay, Central, etc.
• Highlights:
• Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade: Every year adorned with dazzling light displays, it is an excellent spot for capturing Christmas night scenes.
• Causeway Bay Shopping District: The Christmas decorations at Times Square and other large malls have become popular photo spots for both locals and tourists.
• Central Pottinger Street: The festive lighting during Christmas creates a warm and romantic atmosphere, making it a great place for dates.
• Suitable for: Couples, friends, photography enthusiasts
8. Unique Christmas Markets
• Recommended Locations: Stanley Market, Discovery Bay, Mong Kok T.O.P, etc.
• Highlights:
• Stanley Market Christmas Market: With a unique historical background, this market offers handicrafts, Christmas decorations, specialty foods, and even appearances by Santa Claus.
• Discovery Bay Christmas Market: Providing handmade crafts and creative Christmas gifts, along with live performances and music concerts.
• Mong Kok T.O.P Christmas Market: With a market atmosphere in the city, it attracts young people and urban residents with a variety of goods, perfect for selecting creative Christmas gifts.
• Suitable for: Friends, families, craft enthusiasts


  • Compact and lightweight, weighing only around 300 grams, easy to carry.
  • Equipped with a 1/1.7-inch sensor, supports 4K 60fps video recording, and has a 64-megapixel photo shooting capability.
  • Built-in three-axis gimbal stabilizer, supports various shooting modes, features ActiveTrack, and comes with four microphones.

2. Insta360 Go 3S Action camera  

  • Features a new upgraded chipset with a 50% increase in CPU power, and a new wide-angle lens module that supports 4K ultra-high-definition recording for sharper and more detailed footage.
  • Uses a magnetic design that can be easily attached to various locations like clothing, hats, pets, etc., allowing you to capture amazing moments from different angles.
  • Equipped with FlowState stabilization technology and a 2.2-inch touchscreen Action Pod expansion bay.
  • Standalone battery life up to 38 minutes, and up to 140 minutes when paired with the Action Pod.

3. FUJIFILM instax mini Evo Instant Camera  

  • Equipped with a high-quality dual lens system and a 3.0-inch TFT color LCD, it can capture clear and detailed photos.
  • It offers multiple shooting modes, including automatic mode, selfie mode, and multiple exposure, to meet the needs of different scenes, allowing users to create freely.
  • Built-in various creative filters and frame options enable users to add personalized effects during shooting or printing, enhancing the fun of the photos.
  • Supports Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to easily edit and print photos from their smartphones through a dedicated mobile app.

4. KODAK MiniShot2 Retro Camera + Printer  

  • Utilizing Kodak's patented 4PASS thermal sublimation printing technology, it showcases 16 million colors with vibrant hues, and a special protective coating makes it waterproof and fingerprint-resistant; photo printing takes about one minute.
  • It offers multiple shooting modes, including automatic mode and selfie mode, to meet the needs of different scenes, allowing users to create freely.
  • The 1.7” LCD viewfinder allows for the selection of white borders and five filters.
  • Supports Bluetooth wireless connectivity, enabling users to easily transfer photos from their smartphones to the camera for printing, achieving a perfect combination of digital and instant photography.

5. NINM Lab I'M Fine Single Use Camera -AURA Edition  

  • Inspired by the flow of energy, with a lightweight design for easy portability, suitable for travel, parties, and everyday photography.
  • Disposable for easy operation, suitable for all types of users without the need for professional photography knowledge.
  • Camera equipped with a built-in flash for shooting in low-light environments, enhancing shooting flexibility.
  • Uses Kodak 400 color negative film to capture vibrant colors and intricate details, suitable for various shooting scenarios.

Whether you choose to travel with family or gather with friends, Christmas activities and markets in Hong Kong are sure to bring you unforgettable memories. I hope this article helps everyone enjoy a pleasant Christmas holiday in 2024! Remember to plan your itinerary in advance to make this holiday season even more exciting!
