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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2025年家用HIFU機選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

HIFU (高強度聚焦超聲波) 技術近年在美容界廣受歡迎,從美容院到家庭護理,HIFU已成為現代美容的重要一環。家用HIFU機更為忙碌的現代人帶來了新的選擇,它能提供與美容院類似的緊緻肌膚效果,且方便隨時在家使用,節省了時間和金錢。以下為各大人氣家用HIFU機推介,幫助您挑選最合適的產品。

1. DUALSONIC Maximum HIFU+RF射頻7合1美容儀  

  • 結合了HIFU和RF射頻技術,具有多重功能,可同時進行皮膚收緊、拉提、減脂等護膚效果。
  • 配有7⼤護膚技術: HIFU (高強度聚焦超聲波)、RF (射頻) 、EP (電穿孔) 、微電流、IR LED (紅外線) 、YELLOW LED (黃光) 、RED LED (紅光)。
  • HIFU無限發數和突破性雙重HIFU專利技術。
  • 5種不同模式,可調節能量級別。
  • 紅⾊ LED: 呵護⽪膚,提升彈性,⿈⾊LED: 改善瑕疵,有舒緩效果。

2. Notime SKB-2208 HIFU 4R再生儀 

  • 採用高強度超聲波,直達肌膚深層,無創傷肌膚組織下瞬間提升到65℃至70℃,達致激活骨膠原再生。
  • 配備80,000發(一次10發)臉部專用寬位模式照射頭及80,000發點位模式照射頭。
  • 可根據不同肌膚部位的需求,選擇3種不同的深度設置,深入肌膚1.5mm表皮層、3mm膠原層及4.5mm筋膜層。
  • 有5級強度輸出,可針對不同部位如法令紋、木偶紋、眼紋、眼袋、雙下巴、頸紋等進行精準調節。

3. Young&Be 無限線 HIFU

  • 全球第一部無需用凝膠、無需換頭的家用 HIFU 美容機。機頭為非消耗式,無需額外費用即可持續使用。
  • 每次使用可輸出兩行、每行 14 點的能量點,直達皮膚 1.5mm 及 3mm 的底層。
  • 具有能量調節功能,可滿足不同肌膚敏感程度的需求。
  • 可透過 Young&Be 應用程式內的教學,安全、可靠、有效地在幾分鐘內立即收緊皮膚。

4. Attibe HOMETHERA HIFU 家用高能聚焦超聲波美容機

  • 採用高能聚焦超聲波技術,能夠將能量精準地聚焦到皮膚深層,刺激膠原蛋白再生, 改善眼紋和皺紋,提高皮膚彈性,細緻毛孔。
  • 每發13點,可以將超聲波能量聚焦到皮膚2.5毫米的深度,有效作用於皮膚的真皮層。
  • 配備可更換的5000線機頭,可根據不同部位的需求進行調整。

1. HIFU原理
HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) 是一種高效聚焦超聲波技術。它透過高聚焦式加熱皮膚,將皮膚組織提升到60°C至70°C,並將熱能鎖於真皮層發揮作用,避免影響其他皮膚組織。這種熱能深入真皮層肌腱膜,刺激皮膚膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白的生成,快速收緊皮膚內層SMAS(淺筋膜系統)。
2. HIFU機功效
HIFU機不僅能塑造V臉效果, 讓臉部輪廓更加清晰,還可用於身體部位,有效減去皮下脂肪。對於容易積聚脂肪的腹部、手臂和大腿等部位,HIFU技術能夠溶解深層脂肪,讓你擁有更纖細的體型。
3. HIFU機適合人士
o 鬆弛肌膚:適合皮膚鬆弛的使用者。
o 輪廓線條不明顯:適合希望改善面部輪廓線條的使用者。
o 上眼臉下垂及無彈性肌膚:適合上眼臉下垂及缺乏彈性的皮膚狀況。
4. HIFU療程後需留意的地方
完成HIFU療程後,可能會出現輕微疼痛感、紅腫及皮膚乾燥的情況。這是因為HIFU過程中產生的熱能會蒸發皮膚水份,因此需要做好保濕工作。另外,療程後應避免陽光直射, 使用SPF30或以上的防曬產品,並避免高熱運動如桑拿。
5. 家用HIFU機與美容院HIFU機的比較





2025 Home-Use HIFU Devices Buying Guide and Recommendations (with purchase links)

In recent years, High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) technology has gained widespread popularity in the beauty industry. From beauty salons to home care, HIFU has become an essential part of modern beauty routines. Home HIFU machines offer a new option for busy individuals, providing skin tightening effects similar to those of a beauty salon, with the convenience of use at home, saving time and money. Here are recommendations for various popular home HIFU machines to help you select the most suitable product.

1. DUALSONIC Maximum HIFU+RF Device   

  • Combining HIFU and RF radiofrequency technologies, this device offers multiple functions for skin tightening, lifting, and fat reduction simultaneously.
  • Equipped with 7 skincare technologies: HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound), RF (Radiofrequency), EP (Electroporation), Microcurrent, IR LED (Infrared), Yellow LED, Red LED.
  • Features unlimited HIFU shots and breakthrough dual HIFU patented technology.
  • 5 different modes for adjustable energy levels.
  • Red LED: Nurtures the skin, enhances elasticity. Yellow LED: Improves imperfections, has soothing effects.

2. Notime SKB-2208 Icedandy HI-FUN   

  • Utilizing high-intensity ultrasound to reach deep into the skin without damaging skin tissues, instantly raising the temperature to 65°C to 70°C for collagen regeneration activation.
  • Equipped with 80,000 shots (10 shots per session) for the facial wide-area mode and 80,000 point mode shots.
  • Offers 3 different depth settings to target specific skin needs: 1.5mm for the epidermis, 3mm for collagen, and 4.5mm for the fascia.
  • Adjustable 5-level output strength for precise targeting of areas like nasolabial folds, marionette lines, crow's feet, eye bags, double chin, neck lines, etc.

3. Young&Be Rejuvenation Solution HIFU Device  

  • The world's first home HIFU beauty device that doesn't require gel or head replacements. The non-disposable head allows for continuous use without extra costs.
  • Each use outputs two lines of 14 energy points, reaching depths of 1.5mm and 3mm in the skin.
  • Features energy adjustment for varying skin sensitivity needs.
  • Through the Young&Be app tutorials, safely, reliably, and effectively tighten skin within minutes.

4. Attibe HOMETHERA HIFU Home-Use Device

  • Utilizing high-energy focused ultrasound technology to precisely focus energy into the deep layers of the skin, stimulating collagen regeneration, improving eye wrinkles and fine lines, enhancing skin elasticity, and refining pores.
  • With 13 points per shot, it can focus ultrasound energy to a depth of 2.5mm in the skin, effectively targeting the dermis layer.
  • Equipped with a replaceable 5000-line head for adjustments based on different area needs.

1. HIFU Principle
HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is an efficient focused ultrasound technology. It heats the skin through high-focused heating, raising skin tissues to 60°C to 70°C, locking the heat energy in the dermis to avoid affecting other skin tissues. This heat energy penetrates deep into the dermis fascia, stimulating the generation of skin collagen and elastin proteins, rapidly tightening the inner layers of the skin known as SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System).
2. Effects of HIFU Machines
HIFU machines not only shape a V-shaped face, enhancing facial contours, they can also be used on body areas to effectively reduce subcutaneous fat. For areas prone to fat accumulation like the abdomen, arms, and thighs, HIFU technology can dissolve deep-seated fat, leading to a more slender physique.
3. Suitable Candidates for HIFU Machines
o Sagging skin: Suitable for users with loose skin.
o Indistinct facial contours: Suitable for users looking to improve facial contour lines.
o Drooping upper eyelids and lack of skin elasticity: Suitable for skin conditions with drooping upper eyelids and diminished elasticity.
4. Aftercare Following HIFU Treatment
After completing a HIFU treatment, individuals may experience slight pain, redness, and dry skin. This is due to the heat generated during the HIFU process, which can evaporate skin moisture, necessitating proper moisturization. Additionally, post-treatment, direct sunlight exposure should be avoided, SPF30 or higher sunscreen products should be used, and activities like saunas should be avoided.
5. Comparison Between Home-Use HIFU Machines and Salon HIFU Machines
Home-use HIFU machines and salon HIFU machines generally target the same skin layers, acting on the epidermis and dermis. Some high-end home machines can even reach the fascia layer (SMAS).

In terms of depth and temperature, different types of HIFU machines vary. Typically, the depth and temperature of home-use HIFU machines are slightly lower than those of salon models, but they can still achieve skin tightening effects.

Regarding usage frequency and duration of effects, home-use HIFU machines also offer certain advantages. Due to their convenience for anytime use, users can flexibly adjust usage frequency based on their needs, maintaining skin condition continuously. The effects typically last for 1-2 years.

For busy individuals, a home-use HIFU machine is undoubtedly an ideal choice. It can provide similar skin tightening effects as a salon, with added convenience and flexibility. Whether sculpting refined facial contours or a slender figure, a home-use HIFU machine is a new choice for achieving firm and beautiful skin. We hope this article helps you choose a suitable home-use HIFU machine to create the facial contours and physique you desire.
