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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2025菲林相機選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

在當代攝影界,復古風格的流行復興引起了廣泛關注,尤其是在時尚達人和明星中,菲林相機的使用變得越來越普遍。這種現象不僅是對數碼攝影的反思,更是對攝影藝術本質的重新認識。菲林攝影以其獨特的顆粒感和色彩表現,為攝影師提供了與數碼攝影截然不同的視覺體驗。以下為各大人氣品牌菲林相機推介,包括KODAK 柯達NINM LabRETOLomographyYASHICA等,幫助您挑選最合適的菲林相機。

1. KODAK 柯達 EKTAR H35 半格菲林相機

  • 使用一卷 36 張的底片可以拍攝 72 張照片,降低拍攝成本。
  • 配備 22mm 定焦鏡頭,適合拍攝各種場景,支援135(24x36mm)彩色和黑白底片,全程手動過片和回捲。
  • 機身細小,採用皮革紋路搭配經典的金屬 KODAK 標誌,外觀時尚且具有懷舊感。
  • 配備內置閃光燈,可以在室內外輕鬆使用,容易操外,適合新手。

2. RETO Ultra Wide & Slim 可重用菲林相機 

  • 配備 22mm 超廣角鏡頭,能夠捕捉更廣闊的場景,適合風景攝影和團體合照。
  • 機身非常薄及輕(淨重68.8克),適合放入衫褲袋口隨時使用。
  • 提供多種拍攝模式,包括長曝光和多重曝光,增加創意拍攝的可能性,能夠捕捉鮮豔的色彩和細緻的細節。
  • 手動上卷和回卷,使用 135 菲林,拍攝完成後可重複使用。

3. Lomography Lomomatic 110 菲林相機

  • 專為喜愛復古攝影的用戶設計的相機,擁有以橙色為主調的機身、清晰銳利的玻璃鏡頭、自動曝光、有趣的創意功能,能夠拍攝出清晰銳利的照片。
  • 使用 110 菲林,支持可調的ISO設置,讓使用者能夠根據不同的拍攝環境進行調整。
  • 內建自動曝光系統,能夠根據光線條件自動調整曝光,提供白天和夜間的光圈模式選擇。
  • 配備可拆卸的閃光燈,方便在低光環境下拍攝,增強拍攝效果。

4. YASHICA 一次性彩色 400 ISO 27張 135mm 菲林相機

  • 懷舊機身,簡單易用,配備內置手動開動閃光燈,方便在低光環境下拍攝,增強拍攝效果。
  • 使用135mm底片,專為ISO 400進行最佳化,每卷底片可拍攝27張照片,適合日常拍攝和旅行使用。
  • 快門速度為1/125秒,光圈為F11,適合一般拍攝需求,對焦範圍從1米至無限遠。
  • 相機重量僅91.3克(不含電池),方便攜帶,適合隨身攜帶。

5. NINM Lab I'M Fine 一次性相機標準版本 AURA

  • 外觀設計靈感來自於能量流動,設計輕巧,方便攜帶,適合旅行、派對和日常生活中的拍攝需求。
  • 一次性使用,操作簡單,適合各類型的使用者,無需專業攝影知識即可輕鬆拍攝。
  • 相機配備內置閃光燈,能夠在低光環境下拍攝,提升拍攝的靈活性。
  • 使用 Kodak 400 彩色負片,能夠捕捉鮮豔的色彩和細緻的細節,適合各種拍攝場景。


1. 一次性菲林相機
2. 傻瓜菲林相機
3. 半格菲林相機


1. 使用目的
2. 攝影風格
3. 功能需求
4. 預算
5. 底片選擇


1. 底片類型
a) 黑白底片
• 黑白底片以其獨特的對比度和質感受到許多攝影師的喜愛。它能夠強調光影的變化,適合拍攝人像、街拍和藝術作品。
• 常見品牌如Ilford和Kodak,提供多種感光度選擇,適合不同的拍攝需求。

b) 彩色底片
• 彩色底片則能夠捕捉豐富的色彩,適合拍攝風景、活動和日常生活。Kodak Portra和Fuji Pro 400H是受歡迎的選擇,因其色彩還原自然且寬容度高。
• 彩色底片的選擇也包括不同的顆粒感和飽和度,使用者可以根據自己的風格進行選擇。
2. 選擇底片的考量
a) 光線條件:在光線充足的環境下,可以選擇ISO 100的底片,適合晴天拍攝;而在低光環境下,則應選擇ISO 400或更高的底片,以獲得更好的曝光效果。
b) 拍攝主題:不同的主題對底片的要求也不同。例如,拍攝人像時可以選擇色彩柔和的底片,而拍攝風景時則可以選擇顏色飽和的底片來增強畫面的視覺衝擊力。
3. 底片的裝卸與保存技巧
a) 裝卸技巧:在裝卸底片時,應在暗房或低光環境中進行,以避免底片曝光。確保手部乾淨,避免指紋或污垢影響成像。
b) 保存技巧:未使用的底片應存放在陰涼乾燥的地方,避免陽光直射和潮濕,以延長底片的保存期限。已拍攝的底片應儘快沖洗,避免長時間存放導致顏色變化。



2025 Film Camera Buying Guide and Recommendations (with Purchase Links)  

In the contemporary photography scene, the revival of retro style has garnered widespread attention, especially among fashion connoisseurs and celebrities, leading to a growing prevalence of film cameras. This phenomenon not only reflects a reconsideration of digital photography but also signifies a rekindled appreciation for the essence of photographic art. Film photography, with its unique grainy texture and color rendition, offers photographers a visual experience entirely distinct from digital photography. Below are recommendations of popular film camera brands such as KODAKNINM LabRETOLomography and YASHICA, to assist you in selecting the most suitable film camera.

1. KODAK EKTAR H35 Half Frame Film Camera

  • Use one roll of 36-exposure film to capture 72 photos, reducing shooting costs.
  • Equipped with a 22mm fixed-focus lens suitable for various scenes, supporting 135 (24x36mm) color and black-and-white films, with manual film advance and rewind.
  • Compact body with leather texture and classic metal KODAK logo, stylish with a nostalgic feel.
  • Built-in flash for easy indoor and outdoor use, user-friendly for beginners.

2. RETO Ultra Wide & Slim Reusable Film Camera

  • Features a 22mm ultra-wide-angle lens for capturing broader scenes, ideal for landscape photography and group shots.
  • Extremely thin and light body (net weight 68.8g), convenient for carrying in a pocket for on-the-go use.
  • Offers various shooting modes including long exposure and multiple exposure, enhancing creative possibilities to capture vibrant colors and intricate details.
  • Manual film winding and rewinding, uses 135 film which can be reused after shooting.

3. Lomography Lomomatic 110 菲林相機

  • Designed for vintage photography enthusiasts with an orange-themed body, sharp glass lens, automatic exposure, and fun creative features for clear and sharp images.
  • Uses 110 film, supports adjustable ISO settings for adaptation to different shooting environments.
  • Built-in automatic exposure system adjusts exposure based on lighting conditions, offering aperture modes for day and night.
  • Equipped with a detachable flash for shooting in low-light environments, enhancing the overall effect.

4. YASHICA Single Use Camera w/ISO400 Film 135mm 27exp

  • Retro design, simple to use, with a built-in manual flash for shooting in low-light environments, enhancing the photo quality.
  • Uses 135mm film optimized for ISO 400, each roll capturing 27 photos, suitable for daily and travel photography.
  • Shutter speed at 1/125 second, aperture at F11, suitable for general shooting needs, focusing range from 1 meter to infinity.
  • Camera weighs only 91.3g (without battery), easy to carry around, perfect for on-the-go photography.

5. NINM Lab I'M Fine Single Use Camera -AURA Edition

  • Inspired by the flow of energy, with a lightweight design for easy portability, suitable for travel, parties, and everyday photography.
  • Disposable for easy operation, suitable for all types of users without the need for professional photography knowledge.
  • Camera equipped with a built-in flash for shooting in low-light environments, enhancing shooting flexibility.
  • Uses Kodak 400 color negative film to capture vibrant colors and intricate details, suitable for various shooting scenarios.

Types and Characteristics of Film Cameras

1. Disposable Film Camera
A disposable film camera is designed to be used once and then disposed of. It is easy to operate, suitable for beginners and occasional photographers, often used for travel, parties, and other occasions, especially for users who prefer not to carry cumbersome equipment. After shooting, the camera can be taken to a professional lab for developing, making the process simple and convenient.
2. Point-and-Shoot Film Camera
Point-and-shoot cameras became popular from the mid-20th century onwards due to their simplicity and ease of use. Major brands include Fuji, Olympus, among others, known for their reliability and image quality. These cameras typically feature autofocus and auto-exposure functions, allowing users to simply press the shutter button to capture images, ideal for beginners or photography enthusiasts interested in capturing everyday moments.
3. Half-Frame Film Camera
Half-frame film cameras possess unique technical features that differentiate their shooting style and effects from full-frame cameras. These cameras use 135 film but each photo's size is half that of a full frame, enabling the capture of 72 photos per roll. This characteristic allows for the creation of unique storytelling effects, making it suitable for users who enjoy creative photography.

Film Camera Buying Guide

1. Purpose of Use
Consider the main purpose for which you are buying the camera. Whether it's for daily use, travel, professional photography, or artistic creation.
2. Photography Style
Consider your photography style and preferences as different cameras have different characteristics. Choosing a camera that aligns with your style can better meet your individual needs.
3. Functional Requirements
Consider your needs for camera functions such as autofocus, exposure control, shooting modes, etc., and choose a camera that meets these requirements.
4. Budget
Determine your budget range as film camera prices vary widely. Choose a camera that fits within your budget range.
5. Film Selection
Consider the types and prices of film available, ensuring they are easily accessible and suitable for your shooting needs.

Film Selection and Usage Tips

1. Types of Film
a) Black and White Film

• Black and white film is beloved by many photographers for its unique contrast and texture. It can emphasize changes in light and shadow, suitable for portraits, street photography, and artistic works.
• Common brands like Ilford and Kodak offer various ISO options, catering to different shooting needs.

b) Color Film

• Color film captures rich hues, ideal for landscapes, events, and daily life. Popular choices include Kodak Portra and Fuji Pro 400H for their natural color reproduction and high latitude.
• Color film selection also involves different grain and saturation levels, allowing users to choose based on their style.
2. Considerations for Film Selection
a) Lighting Conditions: In well-lit environments, ISO 100 film is suitable for sunny day shooting; in low light, opt for ISO 400 or higher for better exposure.

b) Subject Matter: Different subjects require different film characteristics. For portraits, choose soft-toned films; for landscapes, saturated films can enhance visual impact.
3. Loading and Storing Film
a) Loading Technique: When loading film, do it in a darkroom or low-light environment to prevent exposure. Ensure clean hands to avoid fingerprints or dirt affecting images.

b) Storage Tips: Store unused film in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture to prolong its shelf life. Develop exposed film promptly to prevent color shifts from prolonged storage.

Film photography is not just a way of taking pictures but also an art form. It offers a rich photographic experience, helping photographers better perceive and express the beauty of the world. I hope this article can assist you in starting your film photography journey, exploring the endless possibilities of photographic art.
