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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2025年嬰幼兒餐椅選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

嬰兒成長過程中,餐椅扮演著重要的角色。適當的餐椅不僅能讓寶寶更安全舒適地用餐,也能培養良好的飲食習慣。選擇合適的嬰兒餐椅,不僅能增加寶寶的安全感,也能讓家長們更輕鬆照顧寶寶。以下為各大人氣品牌BB 餐椅推介,包括Combi康貝ErgobabyAguardJoieChildhome等,幫助您挑選最合適的嬰幼兒餐椅。

2. Ergobaby Evolve 三合一高腳餐椅 

  • 適用於六個月或以上。
  • 三合一高腳餐椅可以從一張支撐性強的高腳椅(適用於寶寶能夠自主坐直,大約6個月至15公斤),轉換成一張精心設計的兒童椅(適用於3歲以上兒童,最高90.7公斤),最後再變成一個可互動的廚房小助手(需另外加購,適用於2-7歲兒童,最高45.4公斤)。
  • 設計符合人體工學支撐,椅面和腳踏板高度可調,適應不同年齡階段的寶寶成長,餐椅可簡單折疊收納。
  • 餐椅採用耐用的材質,易於清潔。可拆卸式的托盤也可放入洗碗機清洗。

3. Aguard 2.0 Tosby 7段式可躺高腳餐椅

  • 多用途餐椅,可作午睡床、餵哺椅,遊戲桌及餐椅等。
  • A型安全高腳設計,避免左右翻側風險,餐椅高度有7段可調整。
  • 椅背有3段式斜度調整,可調整至近乎平躺的睡床模式。
  • 椅套防潑水物料,餐椅設有可拆式防滑裝置,設有餐盤收納空間,餐盤採分離式設計,容易取出清洗。

4. Joie Snacker 2 in 1 收摺高腳餐椅

  • 適用於 6個月到15公斤的幼兒。
  • 5個高度調節選項,可用於高腳椅或餐桌椅模式,設有3個深度可調整的托盤,可隨著孩子的成長而調整。
  • 單手快速摺疊,中央位置易於操作。
  • 可拆卸、可擦拭的座墊,讓您輕鬆清理溢漏物。

5. Childhome LAMBDA 3 可調式兒童學習高腳餐椅成長椅

  • 多階段成長高腳餐椅,適用於6個月至大人,兒童高腳餐椅承重最高15 KG,普通椅子承重最高85 KG。
  • 無需使用工具即可輕鬆調節座椅和腳踏板的高度。
  • 透明餐盤和餐枱可拆除,枱邊小高身設計以減低寶寶的杯或碟子意外掉下。
  • 配置5 點式安全帶,為寶寶提供最大的保護


1. 高腳或矮腳餐椅
• 矮腳餐椅:矮腳餐椅適合0~3歲幼童,重心低穩定性高,不易傾倒,寶寶雙腳可緊貼地面,增加了安全感,適合較小空間的家庭使用。要注意的是寶寶坐在餐椅後就不能輕易移動,需要考慮到使用場合的靈活性。

• 高腳餐椅:高腳餐椅則適合6個月~4歲幼童,其視線與大人同高,方便家長餵食和照顧。椅面及腳踏板高度可調,適應不同年齡段的寶寶。 寶寶可與家人一起用餐,增加家庭互動。但高身設計容易失去平衡,寶寶情緒大動作時可能有危險。選擇重心偏低、椅腳較粗的款式更安全。
2. 有腳踏板的款式
3. 桌子可拆卸的款式 
4. 摺疊款式



2025 Baby Highchair Buying Guide and Recommendations (with purchase links)

During a child's growth process, the highchair plays an important role. The right highchair not only allows the baby to eat more safely and comfortably, but also helps cultivate good eating habits. Choosing the appropriate baby highchair can not only increase the baby's sense of security, but also make it easier for parents to care for their little one. The following are recommendations for popular highchair brands, including Combi, Ergobaby, Aguard, Joie and Childhome, to help you select the most suitable baby and toddler highchair.

2. Ergobaby Evolve three in one High Chair  

  • Suitable for 6 months and above.
  • The 3-in-1 high chair can be converted from a sturdy high chair (suitable for babies who can sit upright, around 6 months to 15 kg), to a well-designed toddler chair (suitable for children 3 years and above, up to 90.7 kg), and finally to an interactive kitchen helper (additional purchase required, suitable for 2-7 year olds, up to 45.4 kg).
  • Ergonomic design with adjustable seat and footrest heights to accommodate the child's growth, the chair can be easily folded for storage.
  • Durable materials, easy to clean. The detachable tray is also dishwasher-safe.

3. Aguard 2.0 Tosby 7 Level Recline High Chair

  • Multipurpose high chair, can be used as a napping bed, feeding chair, play table, and dining chair.
  • A-shaped safe high leg design to prevent tipping over, with 7-stage height adjustment. 3-stage reclining backrest, can be adjusted to a near-flat sleeping mode.
  • Water-resistant seat cover, removable non-slip device, with a tray storage space. The tray has a detachable design for easy cleaning.

4. Joie Snacker 2 in 1 Highchair To Table Chair

  • Suitable for infants 6 months to 15 kg.
  • 5 height adjustment options, can be used as a high chair or dining chair mode, with 3 depth-adjustable trays that can be adjusted as the child grows.
  • One-handed quick folding, easy to operate from the central position.
  • Removable, wipe-clean seat pad for easy cleaning of spills.

5. Childhome LAMBDA 3 Adjustable Highchair with Feeding Tray Cover

  • Multi-stage growing high chair, suitable from 6 months to adult, with a maximum weight capacity of 15 kg for the high chair and 85 kg for the regular chair.
  • Easily adjust the seat and footrest height without tools.
  • Detachable transparent tray and tabletop, with a raised edge design to prevent cups or plates from accidentally falling off.
  • Equipped with a 5-point safety harness to provide maximum protection for the baby.

Baby Highchair Buying Guide

1. High-Leg or Low-Leg Chairs
• Low-Leg Chairs: Low-leg chairs are suitable for babies aged 0-3 years. They have a low center of gravity and are more stable, preventing the baby from tipping over. The baby's feet can firmly touch the ground, increasing their sense of security. They are suitable for families with limited space. However, the baby cannot be easily moved once seated, so the flexibility of use should be considered.

• High-Leg Chairs: High-leg chairs are suitable for babies aged 6 months to 4 years. Their eye level is the same as adults, making it convenient for parents to feed and care for the baby. The seat and footrest heights are adjustable, accommodating babies of different ages. Babies can dine with the family, increasing family interaction. But the high design makes it easier to lose balance, and there may be danger when the baby makes big movements. Choosing a model with a lower center of gravity and thicker chair legs is safer.
2. Models with Footrests
Research shows that when a baby's feet are firmly on the ground, they can focus better on eating and maintain a stable sitting posture. Therefore, choosing a high chair with a footrest can increase the baby's stability and make their mealtime more comfortable.
3. Detachable Tabletops 
Selecting a baby high chair with a detachable tabletop can help maintain cleanliness and hygiene. After the baby finishes eating, parents can easily clean the tabletop and reduce bacterial growth. This is especially important for families that prioritize hygiene.
4. Foldable Models
If your home has limited space or you need to move or store the high chair frequently, a foldable baby high chair is a wise choice. Low-leg chairs generally have more foldable models, while high-leg chairs are more difficult to fold. Therefore, you should consider the space available in your home before purchasing.

When choosing a baby high chair, please consider the baby's age, your family's dining habits, and the size of your home. A suitable baby high chair not only makes the baby feel safe and comfortable during meals, but also promotes family interaction and makes it easier for parents to care for the baby. I hope this article can help you find the most suitable baby high chair and bring a better dining experience for your baby.
