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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2025年嬰幼兒揹帶選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

嬰幼兒揹帶是許多父母外出時的不二選擇。它不僅能解放雙手,方便日常生活,更能增加親子間的親密感。選擇合適的嬰兒揹帶,不僅能讓寶寶感到安全舒適,也能減輕父母的負擔。以下為各大人氣品牌嬰幼兒揹帶推介,包括ErgobabyBabyBjorni-angel 及 Joie等,幫助您挑選最合適的BB孭帶。

2. BabyBjorn Harmony 3D Mesh 多功能透氣嬰兒揹帶 

  • 適用年齡: 初生 (3.2 kg) 至 3歲嬰兒(15 kg)。
  • 設計符合人體工學,配備紓緩壓力的腰帶和背部支撐。
  • 頭部支撐物可輕鬆調校,保證適合寶寶所需。
  • 採用高品質的 3D 網眼透氣材料,有效排汗透氣,讓嬰兒在揹帶中感到清爽舒適。

3. i-angel 4合1 New Miracle 四季型腰櫈揹帶 (防水外層)

  • 適用年齡: 1- 36 個月, 體重約 3.5 - 20公斤。
  • 4 種揹法:正面朝內、正面朝外、後揹和臀部揹法。
  • 可將嬰兒腰封與揹帶主體組合,揹帶適合 1 個月至 6 個月的新生兒使用。幼兒可單獨使用Hip Seat腰櫈。
  • 加厚雙肩墊與腰帶的結合,有助於將寶寶的體重均勻分佈,有效減輕佩戴者背部, 肩部及腰部的壓力,提高父母的舒適度。
  • 韓國製造,產品隨附 Hipseat 、嬰兒腰封、揹帶主體、睡帽、有機棉咬咬巾/口水巾。

4. Joie Savvy 四合一嬰兒揹帶

  • 適用年齡: 出生至約3歲,適用體重: 3.5 至 15 公斤 。
  • 4種使用模式 : 嬰兒模式、臉朝內模式、臉朝外模式、後背式。
  • 採用 OEKO-TEX® 無害認證布料,透氣通風,不會悶熱。加寬的腰靠和減壓的肩帶設計,可以減輕爸媽的肩頸壓力。
  • 獨家Clever autoclick™ 技術,聰明又安全的雙肩磁吸式扣具,一碰即可吸附,輕鬆穿戴、便利調整。

5. Haenim喜臨 多功能All-In-One護脊腰櫈揹帶

  • 適用年齡: 0-36 個月。
  • M型設計能為髖關節提供最佳的支撐,提供3D頭部支撐功能。
  • 特別加厚的肩帶和腰帶可為穿戴者平均分佈承受的重量,加強承托力。
  • 與嬰兒皮膚接觸的物料均採用100%有機棉,非常適合過敏性皮膚及嬰兒的敏感肌膚
  • 配有睡罩及有機棉口水巾


1. 單肩式揹帶
單肩式揹帶採用斜跨式設計,多數由棉或混合纖維物料製成,主要包括布包(wraparound)、環扣(ring)和袋式(pouch)三種類型。較小嬰兒可以採用前揹搖籃式或前揹直立式;較大嬰兒則可以用前側揹式。這類揹帶輕巧便攜, 售價較平,但沒有卸力設計,長時間使用可能會令肩膊和腰部疲勞,且限制了嬰兒腿部活動。
2. 雙肩式揹帶
雙肩式揹帶利用肩帶和腰帶將受力平均分佈,包括傳統揹帶、軟結構式揹袋(Soft Structured Carrier)和揹架(backpack)三種主要類型。這類揹帶具有較佳承托力,適用於較大/重的幼兒,但售價較貴, 部分設計可能較為笨重,攜帶也較為不便。
3. 腰凳揹帶


1. 適用年齡及體重
2. 足夠保護及承托
3. 有足夠活動空間 
4. 質料透氣和舒適
5. 穩固及容易使用
6. 安全規格標準
在選購時,可參考歐美和日本的相關安全標準,如歐洲標準EN 13209-2、日本標準CPSA 0027、美國標準ASTM F2236/ASTM F2907等,選擇符合這些標準的產品。


1. 配合嬰兒年齡、體重及成長需要選擇合適的揹帶。
2. 4個月以下嬰兒不適用單肩式揹帶或嬰兒揹架。
3. 初次使用建議請家人協助。
4. 確保嬰兒頭部和頸部有足夠承托。
5. 在安全、站穩的情況下操作揹帶。
6. 隨時觀察嬰兒活動情況,避免他們弄傷手腳或過熱過冷。
7.  定時轉換嬰兒姿勢,每次使用30至45分鐘後休息。
8. 不要揹著嬰兒跑步或做劇烈運動。
9. 使用前檢查揹帶扣件、肩帶和腰帶。
10.  盡量減少俯身彎腰動作。



2025 Baby Carriers Buying Guide and Recommendations (with purchase links)

Baby and toddler carriers are the go-to choice for many parents when out and about. Not only do they free up your hands, making daily life more convenient, but they also enhance the bond between parent and child. Choosing the right baby carrier not only ensures the baby feels safe and comfortable but also lightens the load for parents. Below are recommendations from top popular brands including ErgobabyBabyBjorni-angel and Joie, to help you select the most suitable carrier for your little one.

2. BabyBjorn Baby Carrier Harmony 3D Mesh  

  • Suitable for ages: newborn (3.2 kg) up to 3 years old (15 kg).
  • Ergonomic design with pressure-relieving waist belt and back support.
  • Easily adjustable head support ensures a perfect fit for your baby.
  • High-quality 3D mesh breathable material wicks away moisture, keeping your baby cool and comfortable in the carrier.

3. i-angel 4-in-1 New Miracle 4 Seasons Hip Seat Carrier

  • Suitable for ages: 1-36 months, weight approximately 3.5-20 kg.
  • 4 carrying positions: front inward-facing, front outward-facing, back, and hip seat.
  • Baby waist belt can be combined with the carrier body for newborns aged 1-6 months. Toddlers can use the Hip Seat separately.
  • Thickened shoulder pads and waist belt help distribute the baby's weight evenly, reducing pressure on the wearer's back, shoulders, and waist.
  • Made in Korea, the product includes Hipseat, baby waist belt, carrier body, sleep hood, and organic cotton teething/slobber bib.

4. Joie Savvy 4 in 1 Baby Carrier

  • Suitable for ages: from birth up to approximately 3 years old, weight range: 3.5 to 15 kg.
  • 4 carrying modes: baby mode, inward-facing mode, outward-facing mode, back carry.
  • Uses OEKO-TEX® certified fabric for breathability and ventilation, preventing heat build-up. Wide waist support and pressure-relieving shoulder strap design reduce strain on parents' neck and shoulders.
  • Exclusive Clever autoclick™ technology with smart and safe double shoulder magnetic buckles for easy and convenient adjustments.

5. Haenim All-In-One Spine Guard Waist Seat Carrier

  • Suitable for ages: 0-36 months.
  • M-shaped design provides optimal hip joint support and features 3D head support.
  • Special thick shoulder straps and waist belts evenly distribute the weight for the wearer, enhancing support.
  • Materials in contact with the baby's skin are made of 100% organic cotton, ideal for sensitive and allergic skin.
  • Includes a sleep hood and organic cotton teething bib.

Types of Baby Carriers

1. Single Shoulder Baby Carrier
Single shoulder baby carriers feature a diagonal design, mostly made of cotton or blended fabrics, including wraparound, ring sling, and pouch types. Smaller babies can be carried in front cradle style or front facing-in position; larger babies can be carried in front facing-out position. These carriers are lightweight, portable, and affordable but lack weight distribution design, which can lead to shoulder and waist fatigue with prolonged use and restrict baby's leg movement.
2. Double Shoulder Baby Carrier
Double shoulder baby carriers distribute weight evenly using shoulder and waist straps, including traditional carriers, soft structured carriers, and backpack carriers. These carriers offer better support, suitable for larger/heavier infants, albeit at a higher price point. Some designs may be bulkier and less convenient for carrying.
3. Hip Seat Baby Carrier
Hip seat baby carriers come with a waist belt that features a small seat resembling a waist pouch where the baby can be placed comfortably for easy mobility. Some styles also include shoulder straps with back padding for added safety. These carriers are easy to use, offer a variety of styles, but can be cumbersome to carry, more expensive, and may increase spinal strain with prolonged use.

Baby Carrier Buying Guide

1. Age and Weight Suitability
When purchasing a baby carrier, select based on the recommended age and weight indicated on the product. Since each baby's size varies, it's advisable to make a final decision after trying it out practically.
2. Sufficient Protection and Support
For newborns aged 0 to 6 months who cannot support their heads, opt for carriers with head support. The carrier design should also provide good support for the baby's hips and back.
3. Adequate Room for Movement 
Ensure that your baby has enough space for limb movement without being overly constrained when placed in the carrier.
4. Breathable and Comfortable Material
Due to babies' sensitive and thin skin, prioritize breathability and comfort when choosing a carrier. Avoid excessively thick materials and ensure regular cleaning for hygiene.
5. Secure and Easy to Use
Carriers should be designed securely with even weight distribution to reduce the user's burden. Additionally, they should be easy to operate, allowing users to comfortably place or remove the baby.
6. Safety Standards
When purchasing, consider European, American, and Japanese safety standards such as EN 13209-2, CPSA 0027, ASTM F2236/ASTM F2907, and choose products compliant with these standards.

Usage Tips of Baby Carrier

1. Select a carrier suitable for the baby's age, weight, and growth needs.
2. Babies under 4 months should not be in single shoulder carriers or backpack carriers.
3. Seek assistance from family members for initial use.
4. Ensure adequate support for the baby's head and neck.
5. Operate the carrier in a safe, stable manner.
6. Monitor the baby's movements to prevent injuries or overheating.
7. Regularly change the baby's position and take breaks every 30 to 45 minutes.
8. Avoid running or engaging in vigorous activities while carrying the baby.
9. Check carrier buckles, shoulder straps, and waist belts before use.
10. Minimize bending and stooping movements.

Choosing the right baby carrier can enhance the outdoor experience for both parents and babies. It is recommended to refer to professional evaluations, try out carriers practically before making a purchase decision, and pay attention to safety tips to ensure the baby's safety and comfort.
