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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2025年嬰兒汽車座椅選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

嬰兒汽車座椅是保護幼兒行車安全的重要工具,是每個親子家庭不可或缺的汽車裝備之一。以下為各大人氣品牌嬰兒汽車座椅推介,包括Combi康貝Britax Roemer等,幫助您挑選最合適的嬰兒安全座椅。

1. Combi康貝 Joytrip Advance ISO FIX EG 嬰兒汽車座  

  • 適合約1-11歲(36 kg或以下)的幼童使用。
  • 採用ISOFIX系統,安裝簡單方便,輕量設計,重量僅7.3 kg。
  • 11段頭枕調節,可隨幼童成長而調整。
  • 寬敞的38 cm頭部空間,所有坐墊和布料均具有高透氣性,並可機洗,配有專利Egg Shock吸震墊。

2. Britax Roemer DUALFIX PLUS 汽車安全座椅 

  • 適用於六個月或以上。
  • 適用於剛出生至約4歲(20 kg或以下)的幼童使用。
  • 採用ISOFIX固定系統,內部採用高密度EPS(蜂巢吸震)包裹式抗震填充,在碰撞中可吸收大部分能量,保護孩童不受傷害。
  • 獲得i-Size (R129) 安全認證。
  • 360° 旋轉功能,方便爸媽幫助寶寶上下車。
  • 配有新生兒護墊,OEKO-TEX-I級嬰兒面料。

3. Combi康貝 WEGO Long SP EG 嬰兒汽車座椅

  • 適用於初生至約7歲的幼童使用。
  • 有10段頭靠高度可調節,可隨著孩子成長而調整。
  • 採用EggShock衝擊吸收素材,令嬰兒有更安全、舒適的乘坐體驗。

4. Britax Roemer EVOLVAFIX 汽車安全座椅

  • 適用於15個月至12歲(76 - 150 cm)的幼童使用。
  • 新型 ISOFIX 連接器,5 點式安全,V 形頭枕。
  • SecureGuard安全功能,有助於在正面碰撞時將腹部受力減少高達35%,同時讓孩子在旅途中自由活動。
  • 獲得i-Size (R129) 安全認證。



1. 嬰幼兒年齡
• 0-4歲:可前後向安裝的款式。新生兒報到前通常會物色安全座椅,選擇能從0歲使用到法令規定上限年齡的款式。多數商品可採前後向安裝,方便靈活。

• 4-7歲:前向式為主。前向安裝的成長型安全座椅為主,適用年齡根據商品不同,有0-7歲、0-12歲、2-12歲等多樣化選擇。主要根據小孩身高選擇,不勒到脖子為主,選擇可多段調節頭靠高度、椅背角度的款式。
2. 安全性
選購時將ADAC撞擊測試成績納入考量,選擇分數在3.5分以下的款式 。ADAC為全德汽車俱樂部的英文縮寫,是一間非營利的民間機構,以客觀角度進行各項汽車安全性檢驗。計分主要劃分為五個等級:0.6~1.5分(非常好),1.6~2.5分(好),2.6~3.5分(滿意),3.6~4.5分(勉強及格),4.6分以上(有缺陷不推薦)。
3. 安全帶固定 vs. ISOFIX固定 
4. 方便性與舒適度
• 360度旋轉: 部分商品底座能360度旋轉,方便上下車,減輕家長腰手負擔。選擇低底座設計,騰出更多車內空間,方便抱起熟睡中的嬰兒或幼兒。

• 透氣、減震材質: 選擇椅座、配件使用透氣、減震材質的款式,改善悶熱、震動的不適感。

• 椅墊、頭靠可拆卸: 選擇椅墊、頭靠可拆卸機洗的款式,方便維護整潔。



2025 Baby Car Seat Buying Guide and Recommendations (with purchase links)

Baby car seats are essential tools for ensuring the safety of infants while traveling in vehicles, making them an indispensable piece of equipment for every family with young children. Below are recommendations for popular brands of baby car seats, including Combi and Britax Roemer, to assist you in selecting the most suitable infant car seat.

1. Combi Joytrip Advance ISO FIX EG Safety Car Seat   

  • Suitable for children approximately 1-11 years old (36 kg or below).
  • Features the ISOFIX system for easy installation, lightweight design weighing only 7.3 kg.
  • Adjustable headrest with 11 positions to accommodate the child's growth.
  • Spacious 38 cm headroom, high breathability in all seat cushions and fabrics, machine washable, equipped with patented Egg Shock shock absorber.

2. Britax Roemer Car Seat - DUALFIX PLUS  

  • Suitable for children aged six months and above.
  • For newborns up to approximately 4 years old (20 kg or below).
  • Utilizes the ISOFIX anchorage system with high-density EPS (honeycomb shock absorption) inner padding to absorb most of the energy in collisions, protecting children from harm.
  • i-Size (R129) safety certified.
  • 360° rotation feature for easy access when helping the baby in and out of the car.
  • Includes a newborn insert, OEKO-TEX Class I baby fabric.

3. Combi WEGO Long SP EG Safety Car Seat

  • Suitable for newborns up to approximately 7 years old.
  • Adjustable headrest with 10 height positions that grow with the child.
  • Utilizes EggShock impact-absorbing material for a safer and more comfortable riding experience for infants.

4. Britax Roemer Car Seat - EVOLVAFIX

  • Suitable for children aged 15 months to 12 years (76 - 150 cm).
  • Features a new ISOFIX connector, 5-point safety harness, V-shaped headrest.
  • SecureGuard safety function reduces abdominal force by up to 35% in frontal impacts, allowing children to move freely during journeys.
  • i-Size (R129) safety certified.

What Age Requires the Use of a Child Safety Seat?
According to Hong Kong's Road Traffic (Safety Equipment) Regulations (Chapter 374F), infants and young children under the age of 3 must use protective child car seats when riding in the front seat of a private car. Safety seats can mitigate external force impacts in the event of an accident, reducing the fatality rate by approximately 5.3 times compared to not using a safety seat.

Baby Car Seat Buying Guide

1. Child's Age
• 0-4 years: Styles that can be installed facing both forward and backward. Typically, parents look for safety seats before the newborn arrives, choosing styles that can be used from birth to the legal upper age limit of 0-4 years. Most products can be installed facing both forward and backward, offering flexibility.

• 4-7 years: Forward-facing seats are predominant. Growth-oriented safety seats for forward-facing installation are common, with age suitability ranging from 0-7 years, 0-12 years, 2-12 years, and various other options. Selection is primarily based on the child's height, ensuring no neck strain, and choosing styles that allow for multi-level adjustments of headrest height and seat back angle.
2. Safety
Consider ADAC crash test results when making a purchase, selecting styles with scores below 3.5 points. ADAC stands for the Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club, a non-profit organization that conducts comprehensive car safety inspections from an objective standpoint. Scoring is primarily divided into five categories: 0.6-1.5 points (very good), 1.6-2.5 points (good), 2.6-3.5 points (satisfactory), 3.6-4.5 points (barely passing), and above 4.6 points (defective and not recommended).
3. Seatbelt Fixing vs. ISOFIX Fixing 
Seatbelt fixing is suitable for older car models without ISOFIX attachments, which can be more laborious to install and prone to installation errors. ISOFIX installation is quick and easy, providing better stability and reducing the risk of incorrect installation. Since 2016, domestic sedans should be equipped with ISOFIX, making it advisable to prioritize safety seats that support ISOFIX installation.
4. Convenience and Comfort
• 360-degree rotation: Some products have a base that can rotate 360 degrees, making it easier for parents to get in and out of the car, reducing strain on the back and hands. Choose designs with a low base to free up more interior space, making it easier to lift a sleeping infant or toddler.

• Breathable, shock-absorbing materials: Opt for styles that use breathable, shock-absorbing materials for the seat and accessories to improve comfort by reducing heat and vibrations.

• Removable seat cushions and headrest: Select styles with removable seat cushions and headrests that are machine washable for easy maintenance.

Safety seats fully envelop infants and young children, reducing discomfort or injuries caused by vehicle shaking, vibrations, and impacts during travel. Parents can choose an appropriate safety seat based on the child's age, height, and body size, focusing on safety test results, and selecting styles that are easy to install and maintain. We hope this article helps you select the right safety seat to provide the best travel safety for your child.
