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2024年降噪耳機選購指南及款式推薦 (附消委會報告及購買連結)

近年,無線藍牙耳機市場正迎來一個重大趨勢,即主動降噪(ANC)技術已成為標配。除了APPLE AirPods Pro外,市場上還有其他出色的降噪耳機選擇,以下為各大人氣品牌降噪耳機推介,包括SONY 索尼BoseTechnicsMarshall 馬歇爾JABRA 捷波朗等,以及最新的消委會評測結果,幫助您挑選最合適的降噪耳機。

2. Bose QuietComfort Ultra 消噪耳塞 

  • CustomTune 智能耳內音場調校技術,可根據你的耳朵構造自動優化耳內聲場,智能強化消噪效果,帶來更加適合你的聽覺體驗。
  • ActiveSense噪音動態感應,無懼環境噪音突襲。
  • 可調式 EQ,根據個人喜好自由調節低、中、高音,澎湃低音與絕美高音盡在耳中。
  • 搭配充電盒播放時間長達24小時。

3. Technics EAH-AZ80 耳機

  • 採用獨特的10mm free-edge 鋁合金振膜動圈單元,提供出色的音訊性能和音質表現。
  • Technics聲學結構及音訊直通模式帶來強勁低音及細膩高頻。
  • 雙混合降噪技術實現寧靜空間,音頻直通模式減少訊號失真。
  • 8粒高性能MEMS麥克風,配合強化版 JustMyVoice™智能語音技術實現超清晰語音通話。
  • 長達 7 小時的無線連續播放時間。

4. Marshall 馬歇爾 Minor III 耳機

  • 配備了客製化的動態驅動單元,能夠提供出色的音訊性能和強勁的音質 。
  • 配備藍牙 5.2 技術,穩定連接耳機與音源設備,藍牙連接范圍 10 米。
  • 耳塞 5 小時播放時間,25 小時電池續航力。

5. JABRA 捷波朗 Elite10 耳機

  • Dolby Audio可調式自動降噪(ANC)與通透模式。
  • Jabra ComfortFit 設計,確保舒適貼合。
  • 長達6小時的聆聽時間(開啟自動降噪模式), 搭配充電盒續航力可達27小時。
  • 6 組麥克風 & 10mm 揚聲器。

2024 ANC Earphones Buying Guide and Recommendations
(with Consumer Council Ratings and Purchase Links)

In recent years, the wireless Bluetooth earphone market has witnessed a significant trend where active noise cancellation (ANC) technology has become a standard feature. Apart from the APPLE AirPods Pro, there are other excellent choices for noise-cancelling earphones available in the market. The following are recommendations for popular brands of ANC earphones including SONY, Bose, Technics, Marshall and JABRA, along with the latest evaluation results from consumer associations. These recommendations will assist you in selecting the most suitable noise-cancelling earphones.

2. Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds

  • Featuring CustomTune intelligent in-ear soundstage calibration technology, these earbuds automatically optimize the in-ear soundstage based on the structure of your ears.
  • ActiveSense dynamic noise sensing ensures you remain unaffected by environmental noise disturbances.
  • The adjustable EQ allows you to fine-tune the bass, mid, and treble according to your personal preferences.
  • The earbuds offer up to 24 hours of playtime with the charging case.

3. Technics EAH-AZ80 Headphone

  • These earphones utilize a unique 10mm free-edge aluminum alloy diaphragm dynamic driver unit.
  • The Technics acoustic structure and audio pass-through mode deliver powerful bass and detailed high frequencies.
  • Dual hybrid noise-cancelling technology creates a tranquil space, while the audio pass-through mode reduces signal distortion.
  • With 8 high-performance MEMS microphones and enhanced JustMyVoice™ smart voice technology.
  • The earphones provide up to 7 hours of wireless continuous playback time.

4. Marshall Minor III Headphone

  • Equipped with custom-designed dynamic driver units, these earphones deliver excellent audio performance and powerful sound quality.
  • They feature Bluetooth 5.2 technology for stable connectivity between the earphones and audio source devices, with a Bluetooth range of 10 meters.
  • The earbuds offer 5 hours of playback time and a battery life of 25 hours.

5. JABRA Elite10 Headphone

  • Featuring Dolby Audio adjustable automatic noise cancelation (ANC) and transparency mode, these earphones provide customizable noise cancellation based on your preferences.
  • The Jabra ComfortFit design ensures a comfortable and secure fit.
  • With up to 6 hours of listening time (with ANC enabled) and a battery life of up to 27 hours with the charging case, these earphones are perfect for extended use.
  • They are equipped with 6 microphones and 10mm speakers.

ANC 主動降噪技術
● 飛行員駕駛:在飛行員駕駛飛機時,耳機降噪功能能夠有效減少引擎噪音和環境噪音的干擾,使飛行員能夠更清晰地聽到通訊指令和飛行訊息,提高航空安全性。

● 通勤使用:在日常通勤中,降噪耳機可以幫助人們過濾地鐵、汽車、人群等吵雜的環境聲音,提供一個安靜的聆聽空間,讓通勤過程更加舒適放鬆。

● 辦公環境:在辦公室或繁忙的工作環境中,降噪耳機可以幫助減少周圍同事的談話聲、印表機噪音等乾擾,提供一個更專注和寧靜的工作環境,提高工作效率。


消委會於2023年8月發佈最新一期產品評測,針對市面上 73 款無線藍牙耳機進行測試,其中有49款都有主動降噪模式。電器幫參考有關測試報告,並為各位總結出各款高評價的降噪耳機型號,即睇以下結果:
牌子/型號 總評分 購買連結
Apple AirPods Pro 25立即選購
Honor EarBuds 3 Pro4.5暫無出售
B&O Beoplay EX4.5暫無出售
Huawei Watch Buds4 暫無出售,同品牌有FreeBuds Pro 3
LG TONE Free T904 暫無出售,同系列有TONE Free T90Q
B&O Beoplay EQ4 暫無出售
Huawei Freebuds Pro 2 4 立即選購
Bose QuietComfort Earbuds ll4 暫時缺貨,同系列有QuietComfort Ultra
JBL Live Pro 24 立即選購
Huawei FreeBuds 54 暫無出售,同系列有FreeBuds 5i
Jabra Elite 7 Active4暫無出售,同系列有Elite 8 Active
LG TONE Free T604立即選購
Samsung Galaxy Buds2 Pro4立即選購
Bowers & Wilkins Pi7 S24立即選購
JBL Tour Pro 23.5立即選購


1. 有效降低噪音
2. 提高通話品質
3. 適合運動使用


1. 價格考量
2. 安全風險
3. 音質影響
4. 耗電問題
5. 技術進步



What are noise-cancelling headphones?
Noise-cancelling headphones are a type of headphones that can eliminate external noise through active noise control mechanisms. They use microphones to pick up the ambient noise and then emit signals that are the opposite of the noise waves to cancel them out.
ANC (Active Noise Cancellation) Technology
Noise-cancelling headphones utilize Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) technology to eliminate noise. This technology typically uses one or more microphones located close to the ears to capture the external noise. These microphones convert the noise into electronic signals, which are then used by electronic circuits to generate signals that are out of phase with the noise waves. When this anti-phase signal is produced, it cancels out the noise, thus eliminating the external noise that the wearer would otherwise hear.
● Pilot Aviation: When pilots are operating aircraft, noise-cancelling headphones effectively reduce engine noise and environmental noise interference, allowing pilots to hear communication instructions and flight information more clearly, thereby enhancing aviation safety.

● Commuting: During daily commuting, noise-cancelling headphones can help people filter out noisy environmental sounds such as subway, car, and crowds, providing a quiet listening space and making the commuting process more comfortable and relaxing.

● Office Environment: In an office or busy work environment, noise-cancelling headphones can help reduce distractions from colleagues' conversations, printer noise, and other disturbances, providing a more focused and tranquil working environment, thus improving work efficiency.

Consumer Council Test Report  

In August 2023, the Consumer Council released the latest product evaluation, testing 73 wireless Bluetooth headphones available on the market, of which 49 models had active noise-cancelling mode. With reference to the testing report, we has summarized the highly rated models of noise-cancelling headphones for your reference as below.
Brand/ model overall rating purchase link
Apple AirPods Pro 25BUY NOW
Honor EarBuds 3 Pro4.5Not available
B&O Beoplay EX4.5Not available
Huawei Watch Buds4 Not available, but FreeBuds Pro 3 under same brand
LG TONE Free T904 Not available, but TONE Free T90Q under same series
B&O Beoplay EQ4 Not available
Huawei Freebuds Pro 2 4 BUY NOW
Bose QuietComfort Earbuds ll4 Not available, but QuietComfort Ultra under same series
JBL Live Pro 24 BUY NOW
Huawei FreeBuds 54 Not available, but FreeBuds 5i under same series
Jabra Elite 7 Active4Not available, but Elite 8 Active under same series
Samsung Galaxy Buds2 Pro4BUY NOW
Bowers & Wilkins Pi7 S24BUY NOW
JBL Tour Pro 23.5BUY NOW

Advantages of Noise-Cancelling Headphones

1. Effective Noise Reduction
The main advantage of noise-cancelling headphones is their ability to effectively reduce surrounding environmental noise interference. This allows users to better enjoy music, watch movies, or consume other media content, creating a more immersive and focused listening environment. Whether in crowded city streets or noisy transportation, noise-cancelling headphones can help you immerse yourself in your own world, reduce stress, and minimize the adverse effects of noise on your mental and physical well-being.
2. Improved Call Quality
Noise-cancelling headphones can also significantly enhance call quality. By suppressing the noise interference from the surrounding environment, these headphones make phone conversations clearer and reduce background noise interference. This is particularly important for business calls, remote meetings, or daily phone communication. Whether in a noisy café or crowded public transportation, noise-cancelling headphones can provide a better calling experience, ensuring that your voice is heard clearly.
3. Suitable for Sports
The latest noise-cancelling headphones often come with waterproof and sweat-resistant features, making them an ideal choice for sports enthusiasts. Whether you're running outdoors, working out at the gym, or engaging in other physical activities, these headphones can effectively resist sweat and water intrusion, maintaining stable sound quality and comfortable wear. Moreover, the noise-cancelling feature can also block out surrounding noises, allowing you to focus more on your exercise and enjoy a more pleasant experience.

Disadvantages and Potential Risks of Noise-Cancelling Headphones

1. Price Considerations
Noise-cancelling headphones often come at a higher price compared to regular headphones. The inclusion of noise-cancelling technology and related features increases the cost. For budget-conscious consumers, the price may be a significant factor to consider when purchasing such a product.
2. Safety Risks
One potential risk of noise-cancelling headphones is the possibility of neglecting the sounds in the surrounding environment. Due to the effect of noise-cancelling technology, the headphones may block out external noises, which could prevent users from hearing important warning signals, traffic signals, or other crucial environmental sounds. Extra caution is required when using noise-cancelling headphones in situations where alertness and safety are necessary, such as driving or crossing roads as a pedestrian.
3. Impact on Sound Quality
The introduction of noise-cancelling technology may have some impact on sound quality. As noise-cancelling headphones need to emit signals that are the opposite of the noise waves to counteract them, this process may result in a loss or alteration of sound quality. Although modern noise-cancelling headphone technology has made significant advancements, some users may have different opinions regarding the impact on sound quality.
4. Power Consumption Issues
Noise-cancelling headphones typically have active noise-cancelling features, which require additional power consumption. As a result, the battery life of noise-cancelling headphones may be affected compared to regular headphones, requiring more frequent charging or battery replacement. This can be inconvenient for users who use headphones for extended periods.
5. Technological Advancements
However, as technology continues to evolve and mature, the disadvantages of noise-cancelling headphones are gradually being addressed. Over time, prices may decrease, safety features may be enhanced, and improvements may be made regarding sound quality and power consumption. Technological advancements will provide users with better experiences and gradually resolve some of the current drawbacks and risks.

Overall, it is important to understand market trends and technological developments when purchasing noise-cancelling headphones and choose the right headphones based on individual needs. Paying attention to details and key factors during the purchase process can help you find the most suitable noise-cancelling headphones for yourself and enjoy an exceptional audio experience.
