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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2024年空氣清新機選購指南及款式推薦 (附消委會報告及購買連結)

現今,空氣污染對我們的健康產生了越來越大的影響。室內空氣中的污染物質,如細菌、灰塵、花粉和甲醛等,都會對我們的呼吸系統和免疫系統帶來負面影響。空氣清新機的重要性不容忽視,它可以幫助我們改善室內空氣質素,提供一個更健康和舒適的居住環境。以下為各大人氣品牌空氣清新機推介,包括DYSON 戴森AeramaxAirglePHILIPS 飛利浦Mi 小米等,以及最新的消委會評測結果,幫助您挑選最合適的空氣清新機。

2. Aeramax PT65強力吸毛寵物空氣淨化機 

  • 強效去除寵物、砂盆、垃圾桶、二手煙等異味,讓室內空氣清新。
  • 配備特厚型活性碳濾網,能夠過濾皮屑和毛髮,有效吸附寵物脫落的毛髮,保持室內環境的清潔。
  • 採用HEPA濾網,並搭配AeraSafe抗菌塗層技術,能夠隔絕99.97%細微至PM0.3的敏感源、粉塵顆粒及細菌病毒,有效預防哮喘和由病毒引致的疾病發生。
  • HEPA濾網達到H13醫療級別,能夠去除細菌、病毒(包括SARS、流感、肝炎等)和甲醛,甲醛去除率高達97.8%。

3. Airgle AG300 空氣清新機

  • 配備了「H14醫療級cHEPA」、「特級活性碳」及「Titanium Pro光觸媒+UVC殺菌」淨化技術,能夠有效消滅99.998%的新冠病毒和過濾效能高達99.999%。
  • 配備了「cHEPA」+「特級活性碳」二合一濾網,能夠有效過濾微細懸浮粒子、細菌、病毒、致敏原、煙霧、甲醛及VOC等多種空氣污染物。
  • 可以連接手機APP,方便遙距操控。

4. PHILIPS 飛利浦 AC0820/30 空氣清新機

  • 能在16分鐘內淨化空氣,過濾家中的隱形病毒、致敏原或污染物。
  • 能有效覆蓋房間面積達24平方米,潔淨空氣輸送率(CADR)達到190立方米/小時,能快速有效地淨化空氣。
  • 採用2層過濾,包括NanoProtect HEPA和前層濾網,能吸附99.5%小至0.003微米的超微細粒子,讓您免受PM2.5、細菌、花粉、灰塵、寵物皮屑等污染物的侵害。
  • 經airmid health-group獨立測試,能去除空氣中高達99.9%病毒和氣溶膠。經第三方機構測試,冠狀病毒(HCoV-229E)空間去除率高達99.96%。

5. Mi 小米 BHR5058EN 空氣淨化器 4 Pro

  • 搭載三合一濾芯,包括主濾芯、小米高效濾芯和優質活性碳濾芯,能夠去除99.97% 的0.3μm 粒子。
  • 配備PM2.5及PM10感應器,可監測大型粒子。
  • 淨化約40平方米的客廳需時15分鐘。

2024 Air Purifiers Buying Guide and Recommendations
(with Consumer Council Ratings and Purchase Links)

Nowadays, air pollution has a growing impact on our health. Pollutants such as bacteria, dust, pollen, and formaldehyde in indoor air can negatively affect our respiratory and immune systems. The importance of air purifiers cannot be underestimated as they help improve indoor air quality and provide a healthier and more comfortable living environment. Here are recommendations for popular air purifier brands, including DYSON, Aeramax, Airgle, PHILIPS and Mi. Additionally, we provide the latest evaluation results from consumer organizations to assist you in choosing the most suitable air purifier.

2. Aeramax PT65 Pet Air Purifier   

  • It effectively removes pet odors from sources such as pets, litter boxes, trash cans, and secondhand smoke, ensuring fresh indoor air.
  • It features a thick activated carbon filter that filters out pet dander and hair, effectively trapping shed pet hair and maintaining a clean indoor environment.
  • With a HEPA filter and AeraSafe antimicrobial coating technology, it can isolate sensitive sources, dust particles, and bacteria and viruses as small as PM0.3, effectively preventing asthma and diseases caused by viruses.
  • The HEPA filter meets medical-grade H13 standards and can remove bacteria, viruses (including SARS, influenza, hepatitis, etc.), and formaldehyde with a removal rate of up to 97.8%.

3. Airgle AG300 Air Cleaner  

  • Equipped with "H14 Medical-grade cHEPA," "Super Activated Carbon," and "Titanium Pro Photocatalyst + UVC Sterilization" purification technologies, the Airgle AG300 can effectively eliminate 99.998% of the novel coronavirus and achieve a filtration efficiency of up to 99.999%.
  • It features a "cHEPA" + "Super Activated Carbon" dual-filter system that effectively filters fine suspended particles, bacteria, viruses, allergens, smoke, formaldehyde, VOCs, and other air pollutants.
  • It can be connected to a mobile app for convenient remote control.

4. PHILIPS AC0820/30 Air Cleaner  

  • It can purify the air within 16 minutes, filtering out invisible viruses, allergens, and pollutants in your home.
  • It effectively covers a room area of up to 24 square meters, with a clean air delivery rate (CADR) of 190 cubic meters per hour, ensuring fast and efficient air purification.
  • It features a 2-layer filtration system, including NanoProtect HEPA and a pre-filter, capable of capturing ultrafine particles as small as 0.003 micrometers, protecting you from PM2.5, bacteria, pollen, dust, pet dander, and other pollutants.
  • Independently tested by airmid health-group, it can remove up to 99.9% of viruses and aerosols from the air. Third-party testing confirms a high removal rate of 99.96% for the coronavirus (HCoV-229E).

5. Mi BHR5058EN Smart Air Purifier 4 Pro  

  • It is equipped with a three-in-one filter, including a main filter, a high-efficiency filter, and a premium activated carbon filter, effectively removing 99.97% of 0.3μm particles.
  • It features PM2.5 and PM10 sensors to monitor large particles.
  • It can purify the air in a living room of approximately 40 square meters in just 15 minutes.


1. 潔淨空氣量(CADR值)
潔淨空氣量 (Clean Air Delivery Rate, CADR) 是衡量空氣清新機淨化能力的重要指標。CADR 值表示在固定時間內空氣清新機能夠去除的特定類型污染物的數量。選購時,我們應該確保比較不同型號的CADR值時,所測量的污染物類型是相同的。 此外,不同類型的污染物具有不同的淨化速度。一些空氣清新機在去除花粉和灰塵方面效果出色,而對於煙霧和異味的去除可能效果較差。因此,了解不同污染物的淨化速度與CADR值的關係是選購空氣清新機時的重要參考因素。  
2. 可使用房間面積
空氣清新機的適用房間面積是另一個重要考慮因素。廠商通常會提供適用面積的計算方法,但不同廠商的計算方法可能有所不同。在比較不同型號時,我們應該注意廠商提供的計算方法是否一致,以避免產生誤導。 此外,污染程度也會影響空氣清新機的實際使用效果。如果房間的污染程度較高,則適用面積可能會有所減少。因此,在選購時,我們應該根據實際情況選擇適合的適用面積範圍。
3. 清淨方法
空氣清新機的清淨方法也是重要的考慮因素之一。常見的清淨方法包括HEPA濾網、活性碳濾網、負離子和光觸媒等。 HEPA濾網是一種高效的過濾技術,能夠有效去除空氣中的微小顆粒,例如花粉、塵蟎和細菌等。活性碳濾網則主要用於去除異味和吸附有害氣體。負離子和光觸媒則通過產生負離子和利用光觸媒反應去除空氣中的污染物。 選購時,我們可以考慮空氣清新機是否搭配多種清淨方法,以提供更全面的淨化效果。  
4. 噪音
5. 能源功率差別
6. 功能
7. 配件及保養成本
在選購空氣清新機時,我們應該考慮配件的價格和壽命。不同型號的空氣清新機可能具有不同類型的過濾器,而過濾器的更換周期也會有所不同。我們應該查看廠商提供的建議更換建議,以了解更換過濾器的頻率和相應的成本。 同時,我們也應該了解如何正確清潔和保養空氣清新機,以確保其長期有效運作。廠商通常會提供清潔保養建議,我們應該按照指示進行清潔和保養,以延長產品的使用壽命。  


消委會近日公佈最新一期評測報告,就市面上 10 款空清機的空氣淨化、寧靜表現、使用便利、安全性等各方面表現進行測試。電器幫參考有關測試報告,並為各位總結出各款高評價的空氣清新機型號,即睇以下結果:
牌子/型號 總評分 購買連結
LG AS60GHWG04.5暫無出售,同系列有AS65GDST0
Xiaomi 空氣淨化機 4 Pro4.5立即選購
Dyson Purifier Big + Quiet Formaldehyde BP03 4立即選購
SHARP KI-N50A-W4 立即選購
Panasonic F-PXV35H4 暫無出售,同系列有F-PXV55H
b-MOLA BM1003.5立即選購
Tefal PT30303.5 立即選購
3M FAPHK-T02WA-F13.5 暫無出售
Philips AC0850/313.5 立即選購



Air Purifier Buying Guide

1. Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR)
It is an important indicator for measuring the purification capability of an air purifier. CADR value represents the amount of specific types of pollutants that an air purifier can remove within a fixed time. When purchasing, we should ensure that the measured pollutants are the same when comparing CADR values of different models. In addition, different types of pollutants have different purification speeds. Some air purifiers excel in removing pollen and dust, while their effectiveness in removing smoke and odors may be lower. Therefore, understanding the relationship between the purification speed of different pollutants and CADR values is an important factor to consider when buying an air purifier. 
2. Suitable Room Size
The suitable room size for an air purifier is another important consideration. Manufacturers usually provide calculation methods for the applicable area, but the calculation methods may vary among different manufacturers. When comparing different models, we should pay attention to whether the provided calculation methods are consistent to avoid misleading information. Additionally, the level of pollution will also affect the actual effectiveness of the air purifier. If the room has a higher level of pollution, the applicable area may be reduced. Therefore, when purchasing, we should choose the appropriate applicable area range based on the actual situation.
3. Purification Methods
The purification methods of an air purifier are also important factors to consider. Common purification methods include HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, negative ions, and photocatalysts. HEPA filters are efficient filtration technology that can effectively remove fine particles in the air, such as pollen, dust mites, and bacteria. Activated carbon filters are primarily used to remove odors and adsorb harmful gases. Negative ions and photocatalysts remove pollutants from the air by generating negative ions and utilizing photocatalytic reactions. When purchasing, we can consider whether the air purifier is equipped with multiple purification methods to provide a more comprehensive purification effect.
4. Noise
Noise is also a factor to consider when purchasing an air purifier. We can evaluate the noise level of the air purifier by checking the product specifications or asking the salesperson. At the same time, we should also pay attention to some details during the purchase, such as whether it has a silent mode or the ability to adjust the noise level, for use in quiet environments when needed.
5. Energy Power Difference
When purchasing an air purifier, we should compare the energy power of different models and their associated operating costs. Different models of air purifiers may have different energy efficiencies, resulting in varying energy consumption during use. We can refer to the energy power comparison to choose energy-saving products and estimate daily energy consumption based on our usage habits.
6. Features
Air purifiers usually come with various features such as sleep mode, Wi-Fi capability, and automatic air quality sensing. We should understand the practical application scenarios of these features and assess whether they meet our needs. For example, sleep mode can reduce noise and adjust fan speed, making it suitable for nighttime use, while Wi-Fi capability allows control through a smartphone app, providing a more convenient operation method.
7. Accessories and Maintenance Costs
When purchasing an air purifier, we should consider the price and lifespan of accessories. Different models of air purifiers may have different types of filters, and the replacement cycles for filters may also vary. We should check the manufacturer's recommended replacement intervals and associated costs to understand the frequency of filter replacement and the corresponding expenses. Additionally, we should also learn how to properly clean and maintain the air purifier to ensure its long-term effective operation. Manufacturers usually provide cleaning and maintenance recommendations, and we should follow the instructions for cleaning and maintenance to extend the product's lifespan.

Consumer Council Test Report  

The Consumer Council recently released its latest evaluation report, which tested the air purification, quiet performance, convenience of use, and safety aspects of 10 air purifiers available in the market. We has referenced the relevant testing report and summarized the highly rated air purifier models for you as below.
Brand/ model overall rating purchase link
LG AS60GHWG04.5Not available but AS65GDST0 under same series
Mi BHR5058EN Smart Air Purifier 4 Pro4.5BUY NOW
Dyson Purifier Big + Quiet Formaldehyde BP03 4BUY NOW
Panasonic F-PXV35H4 Not available but F-PXV55H under same series
Tefal PT30303.5 BUY NOW
3M FAPHK-T02WA-F13.5 Not available
Philips AC0850/313.5 BUY NOW
DAIKIN MC30YBFVM33 Not available

In summary, when choosing an air purifier, we need to select a suitable one based on our specific needs to ensure effective improvement of indoor air quality and create a healthier and more comfortable living environment.
