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旅行喼選購貼士 (附消委會報告及購買連結)


以下是最新2024年各大人氣品牌行李箱推介及比較,包括ECHOLACVictorinoxHALLMARKJollying Pebble、及VERAGE等,附有消委會評測結果,幫助您挑選最合適的行李箱。 

1. ECHOLAC SQUARE FX 拉鏈前開蓋行李箱 PC263

  • 採用特大前開蓋設計,使行李箱更容易整理,尤其在空間有限的情況下,如酒店房間。
  • 採用100%德國拜耳Markrolon®聚碳酸酯,具獨特高強度防衝擊刮花物料。
  • 配備日本HINOMOTO靜音雙滾輪設計。
  • 雙層安全拉鍊,外置鋁合金拉桿及有TSA美國海關密碼鎖。
  • 有5年免費保用維修。

2. Victorinox Airox大型硬殼旅行箱

  • 最輕的行李箱款式之一,重量僅為4.1公斤。
  • 採用100%原始聚碳酸酯(Polycarbonate)製造,不易破裂,確保耐用性和抗衝擊性。
  • 配備蝶形開關系統,使得開關更加順暢,方便收納。
  • 採用了YKK RC拉鏈,有更流暢的滑動性和加倍耐用。
  • 而瑞士工程輕質三檔設計的行李箱伸縮拉桿系統,則可以提高舒適性和穩定性。

3. HALLMARK PC可擴充 四輪拉鏈行李箱 HM850T

  • 具有可擴充功能。
  • 雙層防盜拉鏈。
  • 配備了四個360度旋轉靜音雙輪,使得行李箱在移動時更加穩定和靈活。
  • 採用高品質的PC材料製成,具更高耐用性和防刮損性能。
  • 輕量化設計,重量約4.2公斤,方便攜帶。
  • 內部設有多個隔層和拉鍊口袋,方便整理和分類行李。
  • 美國海關TSA密碼鎖。
  • 3年保養。

4. Jollying Pebble 摺疊式瘦身行李箱

  • 榮獲2022年iF設計獎的產品,其設計方便用家可收納在狹小的空間,使用時單手打開就可以完美收納用品、衣服。
  • 堅硬的前後外殼可保護而不會變形。
  • 耐用的拉手和搬運手柄。
  • 超順滑的無噪音輪子。
  • 全能拉鍊,TSA組合鎖(適用於全球40多個國家)。
  • 以及與硬殼顏色相匹配的定製防水和抗撕裂紡織品。  

5. VERAGE 20076 鋁合金架超纖皮革行李箱

  • 採用堅固耐用的鋁合金架,確保行李箱能夠承受壓力和撞擊。
  • 外殼採用高品質超纖皮革材料及五金配件,具有耐磨、防水和耐污的特性,同時也增添了行李箱的時尚感。
  • 配備新款大輪徑75mm與小輪徑55mm飛機輪,適合所有複雜路面隔空間結構。
  • 內部設有多功能夾層,方便整理和分類物品,同時採用抗菌布料。TSA密碼鎖,全球保用。

1. ECHOLAC SQUARE FX Zipper Front Opening Suitcase PC263

  • Featuring an extra-large front opening design, the luggage case is easier to organize, especially in limited spaces like hotel rooms.
  • Made of 100% German Bayer Markrolon® polycarbonate, it possesses a unique high-strength, impact-resistant, and scratch-resistant material.
  • Equipped with Japanese HINOMOTO silent dual wheels design.
  • Double-layer security zippers, external aluminum alloy pull rod, and TSA-approved combination lock.
  • Comes with a 5-year free warranty and maintenance.

2. VICTORINOX Airox, Large Hardside Case

  • One of the lightest luggage case styles, weighing only 4.1 kilograms.
  • Made of 100% original polycarbonate, providing excellent durability and impact resistance.
  • Equipped with a butterfly switch system for smoother opening and closing, facilitating convenient storage.
  • Features YKK RC zippers for smoother sliding and increased durability.
  • The Swiss-engineered lightweight three-stage telescopic handle system enhances comfort and stability.

3. HALLMARK PC Expandable Luggage With Zipper HM850T

  • Features an expandable function.
  • Double-layer anti-theft zippers.
  • Equipped with four 360-degree rotating silent double wheels for enhanced stability and maneuverability.
  • Made of high-quality PC material, offering greater durability and scratch-resistant performance.
  • Designed to be lightweight, weighing approximately 4.2 kilograms, for easy carrying.
  • Multiple compartments and zippered pockets inside for convenient organization and classification of belongings.
  • Includes a TSA-approved combination lock.
  • Comes with a 3-year warranty.

4. Jollying Pebble Trunk Foldable Suitcase

  • Winner of the 2022 iF Design Award, this product is designed for convenient storage in small spaces. It can be easily opened with one hand to perfectly organize items and clothes.
  • The rigid front and rear shell provide protection without deformation.
  • Durable handles and carrying handles.
  • Ultra-smooth and noiseless wheels.
  • Universal zipper and TSA combination lock (applicable in over 40 countries worldwide).
  • Comes with custom waterproof and tear-resistant textiles matching the hardshell color.

5. VERAGE 20076 Aluminum Frame Suitcase

  • Features a sturdy and durable aluminum frame to withstand pressure and impact.
  • The exterior is made of high-quality ultra-fiber leather material and hardware accessories, offering abrasion resistance, water resistance, and stain resistance, while adding a touch of fashion to the suitcase.
  • Equipped with new large wheels with a diameter of 75mm and small wheels with a diameter of 55mm, suitable for navigating complex road surfaces and spatial structures.
  • The interior includes multifunctional compartments for easy organization and classification of items, using antimicrobial fabric. TSA combination lock and global warranty.


1. 硬殼/軟殼

A. 硬殼行李箱材質:

• 採用堅固耐用的鋁合金架,確保行李箱能夠承受壓力和撞擊。
• PC材質:輕盈、堅韌,具有高耐衝擊性。
• 聚碳酸酯材質:結合了PC的優點,同時具有抗刮傷性和耐用性。

B. 軟質行李箱材質:

• 尼龍材質:輕量、防水,可折疊方便存放。  
• 聚酯纖維材質:堅固耐用,適合長途旅行。

C. 混合材質行李箱

一些行李箱採用混合材質設計,同時結合了硬殼和軟質材質的優勢。 根據您對行李箱的需求和偏好,選擇適合的材質能夠提供更好的使用體驗。
2. 拉鍊/鋁框
3. 尺寸 

A. 登機箱尺寸:20吋以下,適合作為隨身行李搭乘飛機。
B. 中型行李箱尺寸:22-26吋,適合短途旅行或個人使用。
C. 大型行李箱尺寸:28吋以上,適合長途旅行或多人使用。
4. 輪子的數量
5. 登機尺寸


消委會於2023年測試市面上15 款中型硬身拉鏈式寄艙行李箱,主要針對耐用和化學安全程度進行。電器幫參考有關測試報告,並為各位總結出各款高評價的行李箱型號,即睇以下結果:


推薦型號耐跌撞能力 耐壓能力整體耐用程度 防水效能整體化學物質測試 總評分
Muji 行李箱連滑輪固定器 75L  5分5分5分4分


Victorinox Spectra 3.0 Exp. Medium Case 6117595分5分5分 4分 5分
ECHOLAC AMOS PC232SA (24”)  5分5分5分 4分 5分
LOJEL Cubo Medium5分5分5分3.5分




1. 不宜坐在行李箱上,以免對行李箱、拉捍及車輪造成壓力引致損壞。

2. 避免使用拉桿提起行李箱,應用手挽,減低拉桿受損風險。
3. 收拾行李時,宜將重物放在箱底,以免行李箱因重心不穩而翻倒。
4. 行李箱勿過度盛載,以免拉鏈受到擠壓而增加爆開的風險。
5. 每次使用行李箱後,可用乾布沾清水代替強力清潔劑輕拭外殼,然後抹乾。 
6. 每行李箱車輪可用濕布沾少許梘液去除污物,並將卡在輪軸間的頭髮、垃圾等異物挑起。 
7. 行李箱不宜放在潮濕空間,或受陽光直射。 
8. 存放行李箱時可使用防塵套,防止灰塵或污物黏在行李箱上,尤其是車輪及拉桿之間的間隙位置。 




Luggage Buying Guide

1. Hardshell/Softshell
The material of the luggage is an important factor to consider when purchasing. Hardshell luggage offers durability and waterproofing, making it suitable for long-distance travel and protecting fragile items. Softshell luggage, on the other hand, is lightweight and flexible, with more elasticity and expandability, making it suitable for short trips and public transportation. Here are some common luggage materials and their features.

A. Hardshell luggage materials

• Sturdy aluminum alloy frame to withstand pressure and impacts.
• PC material: Lightweight, tough, and highly impact-resistant.
• Polycarbonate (PC) material: Combines the advantages of PC with scratch resistance and durability.

B. Softshell luggage materials

• Nylon material: Lightweight, waterproof, and foldable for easy storage.  
• Polyester fiber material: Sturdy and durable, suitable for long-distance travel.

C. Hybrid material luggage

Some luggage combines the advantages of both hardshell and softshell materials. Choosing the appropriate material based on your needs and preferences can provide a better user experience.
2. Zipper/Aluminum frame
Zipper luggage is lightweight and easy to open but has lower security. Aluminum frame luggage is more sturdy and secure but heavier. Choose the style that suits your personal preference and travel needs.
3. Size 
The size of the luggage is an important factor to consider when purchasing. Different sizes of luggage are suitable for different travel durations. Small sizes are suitable for short trips or carry-on luggage, medium sizes are suitable for medium to long trips, and large sizes are suitable for long-distance travel or family trips. Here are some common luggage size guidelines.

A. Carry-on size: Below 20 inches, suitable as carry-on luggage for air travel.
B. Medium-sized luggage: 22-26 inches, suitable for short trips or individual use.
C. Large-sized luggage: 28 inches and above, suitable for long-distance travel or multiple people.
4. Number of wheels
The number of wheels affects the mobility and stability of the luggage. Four-wheel luggage offers more flexibility and can be pushed or pulled upright, while two-wheel luggage is more suitable for uneven surfaces.
5. Carry-on size
Pay attention to the size limitations imposed by airlines for carry-on luggage. Choose a luggage that meets the requirements to avoid unnecessary trouble and additional fees.

Consumer Council Test Result

In 2023, the Consumer Council tested 15 medium-sized hardshell zipper cabin luggage models on the market, focusing primarily on durability and chemical safety. Based on the test reports, here are the highly recommended luggage models with their ratings.


Recommended ModelDrop ResistancePressure ResistanceDurability Waterproof PerformanceChemical Testing overall rating
Muji Luggage with Wheel Stoppers 75L5554


Victorinox Spectra 3.0 Exp. Medium Case 611759555 4 5
ECHOLAC AMOS PC232SA (24”)  555 4 5
LOJEL Cubo Medium5553.5



Luggage Use and Maintenance Tips from Consumer Council

Based on the Consumer Council's luggage use and maintenance tips, here are eight recommendations.
1. Avoid sitting on the luggage to prevent damage to the luggage, handles, and wheels due to pressure.

2. Avoid using the pull rod to lift the luggage, use the handle to reduce the risk of damaging the pull rod.
3. When packing, place heavier items at the bottom of the luggage to prevent it from tipping over due to an unstable center of gravity.
4. Do not overload the luggage to prevent the zipper from being squeezed and increasing the risk of it bursting open.
5. After each use, lightly wipe the exterior of the luggage with a damp cloth instead of using strong cleaning agents, then dry it. 
6. Use a damp cloth with a little detergent to clean the wheels of the luggage and remove any hair, debris, or foreign objects stuck in the wheel axles. 
7. Avoid storing the luggage in damp areas or in direct sunlight. 
8. Use dust covers to protect the luggage from dust or dirt, especially in the gaps between the wheels and pull rods. 

Whether you are traveling short or long distances, choosing a luggage that suits your needs is crucial. We hope the recommended luggage and Consumer Council's ratings can provide you with some helpful suggestions to find the right luggage for you.

Wishing you a pleasant journey!
